The plan

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As soon as everyone was ready to go to tarabiscoville, dave drew up a plan and Patrice explained it.

Patrice: okay, your city will be filled with zombies, so you have to stay alert for them. Me and Nate will distract the zombies while Aquafish, orticia and uncle Dave cure your friends, get to the headquarters, catch the doctor and mission accomplished.

Aquafish: it won't work.

Nate: what?

Patrice: of course It'll work.

Aquafish: no, I know them, there more then just zombies, there my friends and enemies, with a lot of weaponry.

Aquafish goes up to the black board and draws the heroes and villains, there vehicles and there powers.

Patrice: this might be harder then I thought.

Aquafish: if we're gonna get to hq, we're gonna have to fight.

Orticia: fight our friends?!

Aquafish: I'm sorry orticia, it's the only way.

Patrice: looks like your friends are stronger then us.

Nate: wait a minute, shouldn't you two be heading back there?

Aquafish: oh my fish! I forgot!

Orticia: how are we gonna get there in time?!

Dave runs outside and tells everyone to fallow him.

Aquafish and orticia: WOAH!!!!

Patrice: cob cannons! There missiles will get us there in a flash!

Orticia: cob cannons?

Nate: there really strong and fast.

Aquafish: and it's the only way we'll get back there in time.

Dave: wabby wabbo!

Everyone got on a cob cannon missile.

Dave: yoogle whyshe?

Patrice: ready, Nate?

Nate: ready, kids?

Aquafish and orticia: ready.

Patrice: cob cannons, FIRE!

The cob cannons shoot there missiles with the heroes grabbing on.

Orticia: WEEEEEEE!!!!! This is so much fun!

Aquafish: it really is!

Patrice: so how do we get past them?

Aquafish: i have a lot of powers, you'll learn when we get there.

3 hours later, everyone got to tarabiscoville as the sky was purple.

Patrice: he's done it, he's taken over.

Aquafish: we can still stop him!

Patrice: we can't! He raised the tombstones!

Orticia: tombstones?

Patrice: legend says if zombies raise five tombstones in the same city, park or town, they'll get stronger.

Nate: so it's hopeless?!

Aquafish: NO! My friends need me! ITS TIME TO BE A HERO!

Orticia: ME TOO!

Patrice: yeah! Let's do it! ITS GROW TIME!

Aquafish: you have a catchphrase too?

Nate: yep.

Aquafish: there's my neighbourhood! Stop here!

The heroes jump off the missiles and landed on the ground safely.

The heroes jump off the missiles and landed on the ground safely

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Patrice: so this is your neighbourhood?

Aquafish: yep, it's a bit small but it's okay.

???: *beeps* Aquafish?! Your alive!

Aquafish: wait! *turns around* pj robot!

Patrice: you have a bot too?

Aquafish: it was made by Romeo as a spy, but now he's on our side.

Patrice: got it.

Zombie: BRAINS!!!!! (IVE FOUND THEM!!!!!)

More and more zombies start the come to our heroes.

Aquafish: *walks slowly forward*

Orticia: Aquafishy are you insane?! 

Patrice: we can't fight them!

Aquafish: that's exactly what Zomboss wants! He wants us to run! But I'm not running.

Patrice: she's right. *walks slowly forward*

Nate: we can't let this city crumble. *walks slowly forward*

Dave: smuffle buggle. *walks slowly forward*

Orticia: my plants need me. *walks slowly forward*

Aquafish: if you want us to fight, we'll do so! CHARGE!!!!!

Our heroes and the zombies charged at other for the battle of tarabiscoville.

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