Chapter 12

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Marzia's P.O.V

 I don't know how long I sat there, maybe I shouldn't even care. I might just stay here forever, locked in an invisible cage of silence. Suddenly, I heard frantic footsteps sounding from my left side. I don't know whether to be thankful or scared. After all, that was the only sound I heard since I got here!

An object brushed my shoulder and I spun around, only to see a woman with panic shining in her dark eyes. "Oh, thank God we found you!" she cried, "Quick, we must go." The mysterious woman abruptly grabbed my hand and pulled me up. She took off, leaving me tripping behind, clutching onto her cold hand.

"What's going on? Where are we going? Who are you?" Questions started flowing out of my mouth like an endless waterfall, I didn't even stop to wonder how come I can hear again.

"The Gate of Bones is opening." the woman said quickly, ushering me to go faster, "We must join up with the others waiting for us. Now if you please hurry up, we might not die." Sighing, I quickened my pace. I wonder...what is the Gate of Bones?

Soon, we stopped in a random area, like the one we were in before. "Where is everyone?" I asked, confused. I still couldn't see anything.

"Everyone's here, dear." the woman replied softly, "Even your loved ones." I turned to her, opening my mouth to ask her something. But she disappeared, as if she was just a voice in my mind. I didn't even know who she was. When I turned back around, I found myself in a large cluster of people, all muttering and talking to their families and friends. Some groups were crying, wailing, saying that they would never get out.

Squinting, I found a tuft of blonde-brown hair and a pair of ocean blue eyes sparkling in the dark. It couldn't possibly be...

"Felix?" I whispered softly at first, then my voice grew louder, "Felix!" The person turned around, confused at first, but then his eyes landed on me, brightening at once.

"Marzia!" he ran over to me, two girls following him. "I'm so glad you're safe," Felix said with relief, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I noticed all three of them were covered with blood, making me cringe, but I didn't comment about it."But now I have to go. My two companions and I are going to the Gate of Bones and save us all."

I glanced at his companions and smiled. I let go of Pewds' hand, giving him a slight nudge, "Go on, then. I won't stop you from saving us. One last thing, don't be stupid and die!" 

He grinned, "I won't. After all, I'm the Fabulous Pewdiepie!" Felix winked and ran off with his two companions.

Felix's P.O.V

The Gate of Bones was a red smudge against the darkness. Just picture smearing a dab of red watercolor against a black canvas, that's what it looked like. 

"I feel somewhat violated," I muttered as I continued running.

"Why is that?" Briella asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Basically everyone appeared in my dream. My dream! By the way, are you guys okay?" I asked. Briella didn't look so good, blood dripped from her neck. Michelle's clothes were smothered with dried blood, the color of rust. 

"We'll fine compared to you. Have you seen yourself? You have slashes all over your body that are literally flowing with blood! This blood is really from the walls." Michelle said.

"And me? My head was just twisted at an 180 degree, it feels like nothing now. And miraculously, my head is back to its original position. Maybe Stephano did this?" Briella added, panting. 

"Obviously," I snorted, "Stephano can do anything, believe me. Anyways, we're here." The Gate of Bones a gigantic wall in front of me- no, us. Here we are, living my true nightmare- literally.

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