Oneshot, Percy x Jason

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Percy POV
I was in a bit of a bad mood when I met Jason for our daily spar session. Annabeth and I agreed it was for the best. We had both moved on. There just was no spark between us. We agreed to stay friends. Plus, I realized I maybe kinda sorta had a thing for guys. I'm thinking that Annabeth has a thing for girls too, cuz I saw her and Piper holding hands a couple days ago. There was one guy in particular who kept crossing my mind. Jason. The one who I was about to go spar with.
"Yo, Roman. You ready to get your ass kicked?" I shouted at him.
"I wanna see you try." He retaliated. I took that as an open invitation. I ran after him, trying to land a kick on his butt. We ran like this all over camp for quite some time. At some point in the forest, I got tired of chasing him.
"Can't catch me." Jason taunted. I just tackled him. While he was on the floor, I straddled his waist, sitting on top of him.
"Oh. Looks like I just did." I smirked.
"Not for long." He flipped us over so I was on my back, Jason on top of me. He leaned in close, breath tickling my check. I struggled against him, but damn was he strong.
"Look who's on top now, hmmm?" He smirked, still uncomfortably close to my face.
"You can't keep me here forever." I told him, trying to hide the blush that was forming from such close contact with him. I brought a knee up, nailing him in the ribs.
"Watch it Aquaman." He trailed a finger down my chest, stopping at the end of my breastbone. Then, Jason shocked me. Literally. He electrocuted me. It was a weird sensation, but not an unpleasant one. The sun of Jupiter leapt up, tagged my shoulder and took off running, calling "You're it!" I scrambled to my feet and sprinted after him.
We flopped down on the sand, exhausted from the vicious game of tag.
"Dude, you are really hot." I told him.
"Why thank you," he replied.
"No. Like you have a fever. Crap. We shouldn't have been running that long and that hard in this heat. We should probably get you someplace cool." I looked around and realized that we were right next to the ocean. I took his burning body in my arms, almost fell over because he had a good four inches on me, and brought him into my home turf. Or home surf I guess. Instantly, I felt better. I think Jason did as well. I dropped us below the surface and encaged us in a giant air bubble.
"Hey. Man. You ok?" I asked.
"Ya. Just kinda bummed. Piper and I broke up. Said that there was someone else she was into. We just weren't going to work out." He said, dejected.
"Funny. Annabeth did the same thing. You know, I saw them holding hands a couple days ago. I thought it was some stupid girl thing, but now I have the feeling that it was more than that." I suggested.
"You think..." Jason wondered.
"Ya." I laughed.
"You know, I'm not all that sad. There wasn't a spark there. It's funny. We both ended up falling for someone of our same gender." When he said that, he looked strait at me.
"And I can't help thinking, maybe he fell for me too." By now I was pretty sure he meant me.
So I asked him." Me?"
"Yes you idiot. I've been trying to get you to notice all summer." He said.
"Oh. Uh. If it helps, I've secretly been crushing on you since April." I confessed.
I didn't wait for a reply. I grabbed his shirt and pulled his face down to meet mine. After about a minuet, we pulled away panting. The fish around us where poking at the bubble, couriers as to what the heck we where doing.
"Again?" I questioned.
"Yes." The word was more of a breath across my lips than spoken. We went back to making out. After a while, we got tired and just laid there, wrapped in each others arms. My head, as I found out, fit perfectly in the place where Jason's shoulder met his chest. His arm was wrapped around my waist, trapping me and keeping me forever. I didn't mind. He could keep me as long as he wanted.

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