me venting in the wrong place

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i could've put this in another story specifically for vents but too lazy ive already written sm

simply why is it so frustrating i just want to take off my mask and eat what im eating like i do at home, without making a mess and probably a fool out of myself too, like ill eat at home qnd im fine but if im out and the mask is off the food is anywhere but directly inside my mouth and i keep wiping my mouth with my sleeve.

also whenever im somewhere im not familiar with (and my family isnt with me) ill sit somewhere near a few people and then the person right next to me just leaves and for whatever reason i feel so empty like idek how to explain it. its like the people im near, i have a sort of a kinda like u bcs im sitting near u but not enough to talk to u but we also just met sooo  feeling with them. they're automatically entrusted with my life, and if one of them leaves, its like im less safe.

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