Plane ticket

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Oh BTW before I go, Bella I was supposed to remind you both, you and Farrah about the tickets that our parents got the girls. What tickets? Our parents got the girls three tickets to a round trip to go see their mom, and it expires soon, so this weekend would be a good idea to go see your mom before gradation. Fine, that's fine but as long as you take the third ticket.

Yeah, please Edward come with us? There's three? That's just perfect. I mean dad you could go if you really wanted too, but you and mom split up for a reason, so maybe you don't even want to see her. I'd just be a third wheel between you, your sister your mom and Phil.

Phil has practice on the weekends he wouldn't be at home. Otherwise I'm not going. I shouldn't be going anyways, it's hot and sunny there, we're placed in Forks for a reason! Then go pack the special sunscreen, so that things like that don't happen. Farrah it's mom if you go out in the sun she won't care she used to be just like you.

Well if we're talking technical terms then Edward has to come outside too. We'll cross that bridge when we get to FL. What's the problem with you both and the sun? We don't like the sun or heat, we don't do well in the heat and we burn easily under the sun. So just wear tons of sunscreen.

All you need is sunscreen, hats, long sleeved clothing and sunglasses. Why long sleeved? Well long sleeved and jeans keep the sun and heat from touching their skin. Wait why do I have to out in the sun anyways even if I didn't have that condition I still hate the sun and heat?!

Again we'll cross that bridge when we get there. He mumbled squeezing the back of my neck as I scrunched my shoulders, laughing. I shoved his hands off of me and he let go. That following night we all packed for our flight. When we got there mom showed us around the new house.

So my sister called me and she said that, even though Edward and his siblings are full vampires that you all still sleep because of my daughter with the powers. My other daughter is human and sleeps no matter what, so Bella has her own room, I hope purple is ok. And I know that Farrah and Edward both can be stubborn that's why the three of you all work so well together you're all stubborn.

That being said, my sister also said that Edward is the only one at home without a bed of his own because he'd rather not sleep, but when he does he sleeps with the girls in order to protect them, so Edward has his own room, but Farrah has a queen sized bed in the room with window seat so that the Siamese can stay in the same room together.

Did you hear that from Aunt Esme too? No Emmett is very loud, he also said you two are connected at the hip and the rest of the family in the background just laughed agreeing with him. So go put your suitcases in your rooms and Bella come outside with me, and enjoy the sun, your as pale as the other two, which IDK how that happens when you lived in AZ most of your life.

Farrah are you and Edward gonna come join us? Mom IDK even if I wasn't a vampire I still don't like the heat or sun. Well you are your Aunt's niece. Farrah you may join us if you want, but I know Edward won't no matter what. So Edward can sit inside all he wants and probably eavesdrop on the conversation somehow with his reading mind powers.

Keeping that in mind the two went outside to sit in the sun, and we sat inside at the kitchen table. Trying not to listen in. At least I was. My mom is so right, you are eavesdropping. I am not. Prove it, come chase me! Nah I want to sit here and wait. I get it, you're worried that you can't catch me. Have your trained me so well that I'm faster than you now?!

No I'm not, I could catch and chase you all day if I wanted I just don't want to right now. Well you know if you don't feel like getting up, and you won't chase me, maybe I'll just go outside and tell Bella how much of a human you really are. He rolls his eyes. Go ahead see if I care.

Outside, the two were sunbathing chatting away. Hats, shades and all. Dressed in beach attire. But that's how FL was, I wouldn't want to stay there for even 24 hrs. Oh Bella aren't you gonna miss this? Yeah I do miss this, but I'd miss my sister more. You know I'll say it again, Farrah can turn out like me take her immortality out, but because it's in her blood she'd still live and look young forever, even if she doesn't have her powers.

Mom?! I'm just saying, if it's Farrah you want you both can come live FL and go to school here, I know that because of the whole vampire thing that you'd have to leave and stay in Alaska when things start changing so that everyone not like us can hide out somewhere until everyone that knows them is gone. Otherwise it would look suspicious.

The college out in Alaska has a great Science program. Mom nudges her laughing. You mean the Edward program. Perfect. Hey you guys. Since we're talking about Edward I figured I'd jump in and discuss things about Edward too. Both just laughed. Ok, ok we'll cave, Bella said nudging mom. What did you want to say about Edward? She laughed.

With pleasure. As a sister to Edward and the only one currently here, I figured that because I'm closest to him, I'd tell you everything you don't already know. Ok like what? How human he actually is. What are you talking about? Wouldn't you like to know?! MT: All his weaknesses. And other embarrassing stories and what not.

Well.... I sat down next to my sister. I motioned her forward, whispering something in her ear.... I looked around smirking evilly. I didn't actually tell her anything bad or embarrassing or any real secrets, I'd never do that I'm not that evil, I just didn't want him eavesdropping on what they were talking about, so I just needed a reason to distract him even if he "killed" me.

I was actually telling them good nice older brother thing stories. That she actually thought was sweet an adorable. Which made her laugh. I looked around for him made eye contact and with a sly evil smile winked at him. Good thing I was sitting in the shade even if my skin sparkled at all.

He looked over at me rolling his eyes, smirking evilly at me. MT: Hey you're the one that said you didn't care, so it's your own funeral. Him: Then you're just creating yours. MT: Oh am I now?! Him: You want me to chase you? Fine I'll chase you!

I got up from where I was sitting and started running screaming with giggles. Edward came outside running in between the sunlight staying somehow only in the shade. My mom(aunt) was right it was a good thing I'm faster so that he couldn't catch me. So that I can out run Edward and Jacob, well not anymore on Jake's part since he can transform at free will now.

My sister laughed. They're so wiled. Yeah, you just can't be anything but happy when Farrah's around, it's her aura. Her power. Look she's laughing even though he's nowhere near her. That's cause she's being chased trying to make it a game trying to make it fun for them both. Jack as her boyfriend, under a spell or not is a good relationship for her, since he's the guardian of fun, they have kind of the same personality.

Hey! My mom laughed.... Hey you two bring it inside it was so peaceful before you came out. Got it! I laughed. Hey keep up now slowpoke! I laughed toward Edward. You're so going to regret that. The girls laughed settling back into silence. Ok, so before we got interrupted, we were talking about Edward and Farrah, just the way they look at you, Edward mostly it's like he's willing to leap in front of you and take a bullet or something.

Hey they did save my life from that car crash. BTW is that a bad thing? No sweetie it's just kind of an intense thing, you're different with him, you move he moves, like magnets. And Farrah, well just make sure that you're saving time for your sister too. I mean I know right now it may seem like she's happy for you, but you have to remember they were BFF before you came along, she got the two of you together because of her.

Wow, I never really thought about that way. She's kind of like a third wheel I bet. And then Jacob he's got a thing for you since boy I can even remember, but without you had been there for like 8 years or whatever they've been BFFs too. Even though they were never supposed to, same with me and Billy, we were Farrah and Jacob, young and didn't know what the other was, BFFs long before we found out, the treaty made loopholes for us, his father was always one of my best friends, we were the pranksters of the town, we got away all the time like bandits, everyone used to call us Bonnie and.... Bonnie and Clyde, yeah everyone calls them that too.

Just remember them, Farrah is your sister and Jacob is both of your BFFs, he loves you even if he can't have you, those two boys are like her brothers, they protect her and torture her with every being of their bodies, and the torture is usually nothing she can't handle, they mostly protect her, even if those are the only things they'll ever agree on, everyone gets along together and works together and esc when Farrah's around, and she's the only person I'm sure they do it for.

Because, well they did it for me. That and Farrah uses her powers to contact me all the time, they just show up as text messages. Edward can't be the only person, or "person" you see. IDK if you know this, but IDK if she still feels this way, but she feels selfish and greedy and everything when it comes to those boys, like your taking them away from her, whether you mean to or not or that you notice your doing it or not, before you they both were her whole world they were there for her only she didn't have to share anyone with anybody, not you or anyone else, but Jacob has always loved you, and you've been with Edward for a good amount of time now.

She feels selfish because she just wants them both to herself she doesn't want to share. But it's not something she can control, and it's understandable, one day everything was the way it's been for like IDK 8 years, the next you show up and her whole world went crumbling around her. She didn't know about you, and then you two got to know each other and Jacob discovered you were back in town, and Edward started falling for you and you for him when you and Farrah were around each other with him, because she tags to him like glue.

But that glue got picked at and started flaking off when he spent so much time with you making it a triangle, you love Edward he loves you and Jacob does too. She loves you all like family your her sister and the boys non related of course, are her brothers, same with the rest of the pack and the other Cullen's. Obviously it's Jake and Edward that understand her the most, they're not just the older brotherly type they're her best friends.

She feels left out. She thinks she being selfish, but she's not, that's a very normal feeling. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty about anything because I know you're not trying to make her feel that way or unsure of that she's ever felt that way, but she tells me everything. And I know these things because I'm a mom.

I'm sorry mom, it's just you know we're in love. And we're both happy for you, if she wasn't she would've never shipped you both together, Edward understood that she needed you in her life and that's when you all started hanging out and soon he developed feelings for you. Neither of them or you mean to make her feel that way, and I'm sure countless times when they discover she's felt that way that they've just tickled her into not trying to feel that way, but you can't just make that feeling go away, her BF has his own job, and so at first he wasn't around much anyways. But now he's evil under a spell and doesn't currently remember her.

Ok, enough with the heavy. I have something for you both. I made you a quilt out of our old trip t-shirts. I got Farrah a locket. It says I love you to the moon and back, and on the inside it has a family picture, and on the other side you can all put whatever you want on the other side, but I got you a matching charm bracelet, it's gold and it has a heart on it and also says I love you to the moon and back, except yours is heart shaped and hers is in the shape of vampire fang, and the best part is I didn't spend any money, I had some gold chains lying around used a special knife to carve the gold, dipped that thing you use to stencil letters into gold into an open flame and while it was still burning put the words on the necklace and bracelet, I had an empty heart piece lying around somewhere too and copied an old photo I found and put them into the locket parts.

I made a picture frame and decorated it with red paint to make it look like blood with a picture of the three of you together for Edward, since I have a feeling this whole relationship might just make it to the end, and we'll have some wedding bells someday. I can feel it he's going to be a part of the family. And oh don't worry I made something for Jacob too. It's a whole different picture frame with fake fur on the edges that match his wolf color and his dad's when he used to be able to transform, before what happened, and it's a picture of the two of you back when you were 8 years old before coming to live with me for the next like 9 years.

I'm sure all of them will like all of their gifts. And on yours I figure when you have your own kids you can add to it, and same with when Jack is back to normal and they have they're own kids too and Jake and whoever he marries, since all of you will be together forever, I can feel it, you're all soon gonna be one big happy family, even if it's for Farrah's sake. Yeah, it's gonna have to be because I can't imagine ever Jake and Edward being part of one big happy family even for me.

Back upstairs, all the windows were locked, all the doors shut, you could hear our feet running around upstairs, as I finally got into my own room closing and locking the door, keeping the door closed with all the strength I willed enough to keep the door closed. But it wasn't enough. I could've opened the window to jump down, but one sunlight, and two, well I'd say heights, but there were none, except if I decided to climb up the tree outside my window, but I can't climb trees without someone around to catch me I don't climb them alone I'm afraid to slip and fall and hurt myself, hybrid, full vampire or not, even if I was a full human.

I thought about it, but as soon as I moved from the door to unlatch the window seat window Edward opened the door wrapping his arms around me to pull me back and carry me to the bed where he proceeded to tickle me silly. *Ug* Edward stop! I'm sorry I thought you said I was too slow? You didn't catch me by being faster, you just got underestimated. Well then don't let it happen again!

Now, what did you tell them? It was only Bella. Ok, what did you tell her? I know you told her something. My lips are sealed. We'll see. He said taking the tickling up a notch. Mom! I cried out. Outside mom laughed rolling her eyes. Come on Bells we should go on up and make sure he doesn't "kill" her. Oh I'm sure he's already doing that.

They came up. Edward that's enough. What did you tell her? My face was red and my eyes were dripping with giggly tears, this wasn't really anything new that I wasn't already used to. It was like any other time that he had tickle tortured me or Jacob had. I'm not telling you anything! You usually break by now. She's not breaking because she's not hiding anything.

She didn't tell me anything bad, or embarrassing like you think she probably did. Bella couldn't even hear our mind convos, but she was right. The things she said were actually really sweet. She had to raise her voice to be heard over my laughter, as she tried to keep herself from laughing along with us, while mom stood in the door way with her own hand covering her mouth.

She reached out for him to pull him back wrapping her arms around his waist, and he paused in the tickling nudging her away. Edward stop she's had enough. I tried to push him away. Edward she's telling the truth. He pulled back letting me catch my breath, as I sat up against the head post. wiping my tears of laughter away color draining back from my face back to it's natural paleness.

Once I caught my breath, I panted for a bit, and explained to him that I was only teasing as a way to distract you into not listening in on their conversation. You fell for it, but said you didn't care, but I would never tell her something like that, I wouldn't tell her embarrassing stories or weaknesses or secrets, she'll just find them out on her own. Even if she also tried to tickle you into telling her. Even then, I promise.

Besides she wouldn't use it to torture me like you and Jacob do. IDK, Bella smirked reaching a hand over me herself evil older sibling in her voice. I just might, it seemed you were clearly enjoying yourself there. Ha as if. I had flinched when she pretended to reach out for me. Oh stop, you've clearly have had enough for one day. Mom has gifts for us all.

Oh mom you didn't have to do that. I said. Turn around mom said to me. Lift your hair out of the way. But the necklace? I complained. Don't worry I'm not taking off the other one and they won't get tangled. She clipped the other necklace onto my neck. I looked inside. We should put that picture I sent you of all of us in the other side. How'd you get a picture with me in it, I don't show up in pictures, when I do my eyes at least look beat red.

Not if use my special camera. I sent one of all of us Jack included to mom a while back ago. Bella was in the middle of you and Jacob and I was in the middle of you on the other side and Jack. All of us have our arms wrapped around all our sides, but the two of you Edward and Jack them two who were next to me decided it was a good idea to squeeze my sides, as I flinched, then yipped and me yipping made me laugh after words.

Dad took the picture, and as soon as you walked away to do who knows what all three of them proceeded to gang up on me and tickle the living daylights out of me. Ha, ha yeah that was fun I remember that. You're not funny. I whined at Edward. Edward this one is for you. Ha, thanks I like what you did there. But you didn't have to make me a present too. Oh nonsense I have a feeling you're gonna be part of the family soon, and I even made Jacob one.

Yours has your two favorite people in it, and Jacob has him and Bella before Bella left and came home with me before Charlie and I split up. Are you covered in mud? I was 8. Whoa I remember this. How can you remember that, you weren't there, I didn't even know you. Oh honey but you did, you just forgot each other after not seeing each other. No, she's right I shouldn't remember this. No because it was before we all split up.

But you guys split up because of me and my powers. We traded off. Yes, but she didn't get her powers till shortly after we separated, we didn't just separate because of you sweetie. But it's the main reason. Which means that the divorce is all my fault, it's my own fault we never grew up together as sisters. I wiped away some tears.

Oh honey no. It's not baby. My mom said wrapping a hand around me. We had other problems other than your powers. Your mom's right, Edward said rubbing my back, if you never had powers she would've never sent you to her sister to our foster home, and we would've never been friends, or siblings and you wouldn't be my favorite person in the world.

But I'm not Bella, how can I be your favorite person. Because, Bella said starting to pet my hair, I'm not his favorite person in the world, and I'm not Jacob's either, even if he's totally undeniably in love with me. Yes you are, you're both their favorite person in the world. They fight over you, I get left out and even more so now that Jack is evil and doesn't remember me.

We'll fix him Snow. He'll be back to normal again soon. But even when he is he still will always have his guardian job, and that means that when he's gone that still leaves me a third wheel, or not part of the triangle since I don't love anyone romantically. You wanna know who my favorite person in the world is? I love Bella with all my heart and all my being, but your still my favorite person in the world. You see, and I love Edward with all my heart and all my being but if it weren't for you we wouldn't be together in the first place, you are my favorite person in the world. And if we need a third POV we'll ask Jacob. Why do you have Jake's number?

I don't I barrowed your phone. When? IDK sometime recently to text someone I didn't have the number of. *Ug* Hey smart one I've been looking all over the house for this thing. You could've told me you barrowed it. What fun would that be? I rolled my eyes, reaching out for it. Give it to me. Not yet, I need to do something first. Edward now! Using his speedy texting he texted Jacob.

Him: Jacob random question, who is your favorite person in the world if it wasn't Bella?
Jake: Cullen you know I love your sister with all my heart and all my being and wish she would choose me over your brother, but that doesn't make her my favorite person you are my favorite person in the world little sister.

See! And he doesn't even know what we're doing or why you asked him that. Me? You mean you! What he doesn't know can't hurt him. I rolled my eyes. I'm serious Edward give me back my phone or else. Both: Or else what? Both him and Bella asked. She was curious, he was getting cocky, and foolish to ask a question like that.

Hm? Well I said I promised not to tell her, I never said anything about showing her. I smiled evilly. As he tossed me back my phone. Good boy. I said patting his head. Well now I'm even more curious. Oh I miss you mom, Bella suddenly said. Me too. I said as we all group hugged. I miss you girls too, come and visit me any time and I mean anytime, Farrah can geo leap places when she has more than one person.

How do you know that? When I used to go to the studio the dance studio that almost got us killed, it was all the way in AZ I'd bring Jack with me and come visit mom. Great does that mean we don't need to take the plane back home? No, these are not refundable. After that compared to the rest of the weekend it was kind of boring.

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