Don't cross the line

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While we were all messing around, having the time of our lives, teasing each other and you know just having so much fun, and still my sister never once heard or saw anything I could've told her about Edward, only things that a person such as myself would know. Mom gave us gifts, and after the first day of being there the rest of the trip was actually relaxing and compared to the first day boring.

But back in Forks, Alice had seen a vision of Jack and Victoria coming, and the rest of our family, plus the wolves were on each of their own sides waiting to catch them. They're here! Alice warned. Back in FL I too could see with my powers what was going on back home, and that we should've been there to help, but if I knew Edward and I do, that we were here this particular weekend for a reason, that neither of my brothers wanted me there if I was at risk of getting hurt again.

Myself, or Bella. But of the mist of everything going on, there was a bit of a disagreement, apparently Emmett crossed over to wolf territory, even when he was warned not to, but hey they were still working together, but see that's why I should've been there I can go on whichever side had wanted to be on, and then we would've never had this problem.

The next morning, was just like any other, we pulled up to the school in his car, and I sensed Jacob near by. Bella couldn't, but Edward did. The car was stopped, they were talking, I took the present mom made Jacob and followed the scent to get to him, and gave him a great big hug. Which was hard to with one hand. Ok, why are you only hugging me with one hand?

No reason, just felt like trying something new. Uh huh, what is that behind your back?! Nothing. Uh huh true story, what is it? He asked me smirking his sly little brotherly smirk. If you want it, you'll have to catch me first. I ran off through the parking lot, to the small wooded area in the back part of our school. Good thing I was faster, even now when he could transform, only if he were in his wolf form would I be faster then him.

Even when or if I wasn't even using my full speed to keep from being suspicious. Back at the car, Edward was grinning knowing exactly what was going on, since our thoughts were so loud, but turned to Bella to discuss something important with her. Did you regret seeing your mom? No, it was just kind of hard saying goodbye, at least for now. It doesn't need to be goodbye at all.

Was that why we went, that you were hoping I'd change my mind? She asked him. He gave her a gentle smile. I'm always hopping for that, and Bella your mom is right, if it's about Farrah, and it's your sister you want, then she can get her powers taken away, but none of us could ever ask her to do that, except for you. You both can live normal happy lives with each other, even if without being one of us she'd hate the heat and sunlight.

But what about you, she'd never agree to do that, even if I asked her to, which I could never do, because I love her same as you. If you love someone you let them go, if they come back they're yours if not they were never yours to begin with. But, you'd be lonely, and sad, you two are as close as two people can be, IDK how you lasted weeks without each other, before we came to find you in Italy after you thought we were dead.

I'd be fine, I've been alone with others without my sister, or rather yours, for as long as I can remember, she's only been around for only about 10 years, it feels like a life time, but before being turned I didn't have her or the others and I was alone, I'd miss her, but I'd deal with it. She could never deal with it, she wouldn't know what to do. We've been together as long as she can remember it wouldn't be the same without her, but we'd get over it, I'd get over it.

Then he frowned, with annoyed glance.... Him: *sigh* come on back I know there's something Jake wants to tell me about. We came back, him still chasing after me, and me still laughing, the gift held closely to my chest. If it's for me, how about you just give it to me? Then that wouldn't be as much fun, now would it? What's wrong? Bella asked him.

If I asked you to stay in the car would you? He asked getting out of the car, Jacob approaching, with a now annoyed look on his face, seeing Edward, and me back to his side. I slid it into your backpack. I don't have it anymore. He rolled his eyes, I need to talk to you! He said to Edward. Bella hadn't stayed in the car, but we knew she wouldn't.

Instead, he starts with Bella. Jacob? What are you doing here? Your dad said you left town. Yeah, just for a few days so that we could see mom. Just wanted to come make sure you're still human. Alice and Jasper stand near, in case they need to move in to stop from any fight planning on happening. Bella's friends also approach to see wonder if there was a fight about to start. But one look at my face, and they knew that they shouldn't start unless they wanted to be at my wrath.

With a sigh coming from them both, I clung onto my brother's arm in fright. Jacob clinched his fists taking a deep breath. They would never even stand down for Bella, they only seemed to stand down because of me. Edward just looked distressed. I came to remind you both about how none of you except this Cullen have the ability to come onto our land and if your kind without us knowing whose coming over with her step foot on our land again.... Wait what?!

Emmett and Paul had a little disagreement. You mean you didn't tell her? Either of them? Tell us what? Drop it Jacob! Besides I didn't need to tell Farrah that part, she already knows, she has all our powers! Boys is this really something we should be discussing right now in front of well everyone?! I got in front of everyone, and pulled out some dust. I blew a gust of dust at everyone and made them forget what they saw. Then they went to class.

And we continued. Girls please, this is nothing to worry about. Oh that's beautiful, listen to you did you have to lie to them to get them out of town too? Edward? No, I wouldn't lie to you. Yes he would, if he had a good reason, you know we would to protect you. Shut up Jacob, you don't know what you're talking about I said what I had to, to protect them! What is he talking about?!

Jacob maybe you should leave, NOW! They have the right to know! After all they are the ones the red head and blonde ones want. Victoria and Jack? Farrah and Alice?! Their vision. Farrah you knew about this? I knew the vison, I saw it, but IDK why we were there, I was wondering why we were there when we should've been there to fight looking for them. I did what I did to protect you both!

By lying to us! Bella says. Bella?! You both I want to talk to later, but Jacob, why haven't you returned any of my calls? I had nothing to say! Hold we have plenty! We?! I've talked to him plenty. Yeah, you've talked to him without me doing who knows what, but I have plenty to talk to him about! Bella?! Edward, please trust us. I do trust you, it's Bonnie and Clyde being together I don't trust.

Edward?! Hey, lose the grin Jacob, we're all just going for a ride. I use my powers to create another attached spot onto the motorcycle. No, no, no! Take that off, just get on back! I try to get on. There's not enough room for you all to fit! Edward says rolling his eyes. This is not safe! Shut up!

I closed my eyes. What are you doing? She's gonna transform. Now? No one's around. First I went from my human form to my wolf form and then my puppy form. Jacob pet my head, scratching behind my ears. Good puppy. Jacob started the engine, and Edward's eyes widened. No, no, no!

She's going to fall off that death trap and get hurt! I let out a whine. I wanted to go with them, I knew Jacob wouldn't anything bad happen to me, I had never gotten hurt with Jake around as much as it hurt me to say this, but I always got hurt more with the brother that I trusted somewhat more than the other, but never once or less with Jacob. No, she's coming with me, with Farrah and Jacob together is a problem all on its on, horrible bad problems, and get into trouble, all the time, but Jacob's the trouble maker.

Actually you're wrong there, it's the other way around, I just can't say no. She's got that sorta power, her aura her something.... The puppy dog eyes. Now she actually has them as her dog form. Edward rolled his eyes. Her plans, I was just in the right place at the wrong time. Oy! My point is, you two are bad on your own, I don't even want to think about how bad things would be with all of you together!

We'd be quite the trio! No kidding! Come 'ere sweetie. My little baby puppy. Don't worry little puppy, I'll save you from the mean trouble making werewolf. Jake and I rolled our eyes. Come on honey, we're going home.

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