Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Emily, and I have a twin sister named Annabelle. Annabelle is older than me by 3 minutes. She is the prettier one, while I am a tomboy who likes to wear pants and baggy T-shirts. My parents always told me that Annabelle is the smart one, or that she can get any guy to fall in love with her, while I am an average introvert who likes to be left alone.

I went downstairs to grab my breakfast while I saw my parents talking to Anna. They were making chocolate pancakes, her favorite breakfast. I asked mom what she made for me, and she said, "Oh Emily, I haven't seen you all morning. What would you like, some bread or toast?" I look at her as if she had forgotten that I had spent the night here.

When I told my mom that I slept in a little later since I was up all night playing video games, Anna looked up at me with a smile on her face. She has beautiful blonde hair with freckles, a petite body and she is very slim, like a model would look like. While I have ginger hair with no freckles and acne on my face, it wasn't a lot, just a little bit that could be covered up by makeup, but I chose not to wear any.

My sister look over at me and said "Well look who it is my little sister who I love dearly" I rolled my eyes and grab a piece of banana. Ugh I hate how she treat me with such a fake personality, She forgot that we're both 21! But she treat me as if I was a 17 Year old.

I sat down at the dining table and ate my banana while my dad was reading his family newspaper, my dad was a nice looking young man while my mom is beautiful with her lovely Curly blonde hair. If you saw my family you would think they were all supermodels out of Vogue magaizne. My dad look at both of us with a big smile on his face I wonder why he was so happy something must've happen.

"Girls your mother and I have something to say, we have been planning for this for months now and it's time to let you girls know. We've both look at him with a confused face wondering what could it be? My mom was quiet while she cut a piece of pancake and ate it, without saying a word.

"Daddy what is it please don't tell me you and mom are going on a honeymoon together" Anna said with a beaming look in her eyes waiting for them to answer. "Well no it is not about our honeymoon this is about all of us, as family don't forget that I know you girls are at legal age to get married and to live on your own, So I thought this would be a great opportunity for all of us to go on a little vacation. Your mother and I have been talking about our little destination trip for some time now."

My mom continues eating her breakfast and then said this, "Before you get mad at your dad we just want to let you know this will be good for us as a family, you two been fighting with each other for years now and It time for us to start acting like a true family". I slam my hands on the table to reject but my dad was looking at me with a stern face. I still can't believe they expect us to get a long after all these years, I moved out when I was 18 while Annabelle went off to college to become a Laywer. Of course she was a golden child and a straight A student.

Anna asked Dad where we were going, while I was curious and hopeful it would be somewhere good to abandon my sister. I started to laugh out loud while my family turned to me with a worried look on their faces. My dad then continued on to what he was saying before my mom started talking.

"Well let me cut to the chase we're going to Hawaii!" He said with a smile on his face. "You girls always wanted to visit Hawaii since you were little, so your mother and I bought us a ticket to a wonderful cruise ship called..... Blue getaway". Anna was excited to go on this crazy vacation, "Dad and mom I love you guys so much thank you. Emily and I will get a long just fine". She says with an evil grin on her face, nothing good could come out of this nothing at all I said. So I got up and walked away out the door, my head was steaming so I went to my car and scream.

How could they bought us a ticket without asking me if I was ok with this. So I turned on my car engine and drive to my house without any explanation. "Well this could've gone any better what do you think honey?" My mom look at my dad with a sad face and got up from the table to clean the dirty dishes. So I went inside my house which I live at with my roommates Becky. Becky! I called her name out loud so she can hear me, where are you? You won't believe what happen today. Becky came downstairs looking drunk as ever like she stayed up all night partying. "What happen? Did your sister try to ruined your life again?" She still feel a little tipsy from last night I assumed.

No this is much worse, but what happen last night? Did you threw another while party. "Maybe I got a little carried away last night but it was fun you should've been there than over your parents house". So you did threw a party last night I said to her, whatever you better made sure everything is cleaned up and nothing is stolen."Rodgers that Emily gosh why are you such a party downer". She look at me with frustration on her face buy I didn't care one bit so I went on discussion what happen this morning, you wouldn't believe what my dad told me this morning.

My parents bought my sister and I a ticket to Hawaii, without my permission so now I'm at a bind here. Ugh what should I do? Becky smile and sat next to me and says" Well look at the bright side you'd be able to get out of Idaho". My face turned to her and then into my pillow, my phone rang and I knew who it was from should I answer it or let it go straight to voicemail? My voice box leave a message and said "Hi honey this is your mom calling you left so soon we didn't know where you were at please give me a call and we could talk about this.

Anyways Anna already agreed to this so we're waiting for your answer please let us know".

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