JJ goes back over to Cordelia and crouches in front of her, giving her the iPod.

"Just listen to the music on here like always, okay?" JJ says, putting the earbuds in for her after he realizes how shaky her hands are. "He can't get in and if he does, I got him, all right? Just stay hidden in the closet." He instructs and Cordelia lightly nods, already familiar with the routine. They've been doing this ever since Kie got JJ the iPod for his tenth birthday.

JJ puts the noise cancelling headphones on her head as she starts playing music. JJ holds up a thumbs up questioningly, silently asking if she's good and she nods, giving him a thumbs up. JJ places a quick kiss to her forehead before getting up and anger quickly replacing his concern as he's forced to focus on his dad.

Cordelia slides to the back of the closet, sitting with her legs pulled up tightly to her chest, securely wrapping her arms around them.

Luke continues to yell which only riles JJ up more, not able to focus on anything else but his father's shouts.

"How you gonna get that money back, huh?" Luke yells over the music. "By sittin' around doing nothin'?! I'm gonna tell you right now, you are a worthless piece of shit! You and Cordelia!"

"Shut up!" JJ yells, banging on the wall next to the door. Cordelia can feel the vibrations of the wall and hear the slightly muffled yelling, making her bury her face in her arms, letting more tears stream down her face.

"Your mama knew."

"Shut up!"

Cordelia stays in the closet while JJ throws and kicks stuff in his room while Luke continues to yell. Cordelia keeps her face hidden in her arms, just wanting this all to be over.

~ ~ ~

Cordelia doesn't know how much longer it was, but eventually the rock music stopped. Cordelia waits until it's off for a little bit before removing the headphones and taking the earbuds out.

"Jayje?" She timidly calls to her big brother who is still breathing heavily.

"Just give it a couple more minutes." JJ mumbles, earning a nod from her.

After a few more minutes, JJ opens his door and sneaks out, making sure Luke is asleep on the couch and sighs in relief seeing his father dead asleep. JJ quietly goes back to his room and holds his hands out to Cordelia who takes them and he helps her up.

Cordelia slightly winces in pain, her hand quickly going to her abdomen. JJ worriedly glances at her stomach and can see the bottom part of a bruise. He lifts her shirt up a little to reveal the full bruise making his jaw clench.

"What else?" JJ asks.

"M-My back." Cordelia mutters.

JJ steps behind her and is able to see the bruise since her shirt is slightly cropped and he lets out a small huff.

"Fuckin' kill him." JJ grumbles under his breath. "C'mon." He lightly grabs her wrist before grabbing his bag. "Get your stuff then wait outside." He whispers.

"Wh-- why?" Cordelia whispers.

"Just do it." JJ whispers, slightly harsher.

"But, J--"

"Cordelia. Go." JJ orders.

Cordelia doesn't want to make him any angrier than he already is so she grabs her bag from her room and then goes out the front door.

The young girl waits outside for maybe two minutes before JJ comes out, making a beeline for his bike, Cordelia behind him.

"Wh-What'd you do? Did you do something?" She nervously asks.

"I didn't do anything. I promise." JJ says.

"Well, what were you gonna do?" Cordelia asks.

"Nothing. Just get on. You don't have to worry about it." JJ says, sitting on his bike.

"Ca-Can you drop me off at Kie's?" Cordelia asks, fiddling with her rings.

"Why?" JJ asks, confused. Usually Cordelia refuses to be around anybody after a bad encounter with Luke. Sometimes she'll stick to JJ's side and other times she'll just be alone.

"The, uh, the whole Midsummers thing." Cordelia says.

"You're going to Midsummers? Since when? You hate that shit. And after this, especially?" JJ asks, slightly incredulously.

"I-I promised her I'd go with. I don't wanna break it." Cordelia mumbles.

"You can break one promise, Cordi. She won't be that mad... especially if..." JJ trails off, motioning to his face. Once Kie sees Cordelia's injuries, she's probably going to want to kill Luke herself.

Yet, the younger teen simply shakes her head, refusing to break any promise. She hates broken promises.

"Okay, I'll drop you off." JJ eventually nods. "Get on. We gotta leave before he wakes up." He says and Cordelia quickly gets on the back of the bike, tightly holding onto JJ as he speeds away.

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