My Ideal Type ~ Park Seonghwa

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His smile was shy as he watched you walk onto the set, hovering behind the cameras as you made sure that all of the members were in the room

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His smile was shy as he watched you walk onto the set, hovering behind the cameras as you made sure that all of the members were in the room. The final preparations were being made for the interview, whilst staff scattered around to prepare the boys.

"Are you going to stay and watch?" Seonghwa questioned as you passed him by, keeping a small distance between the two of you, "I'd like to have you here supporting me."

"It's my job," you laughed in reply, "I've got no choice but to stick around and keep an eye on you."

Your head shook at the chaos that was around you, as ever, keeping the boys in order was impossible for you, but it was a job that you absolutely adored all the same.

The two of you were always very careful around each other, especially in professional environments. Those closest to you knew what was going on, but you both knew for the sake of your jobs, it was better to keep your relationship as private as possible in order to not cause too much trouble.

"Can we get Ateez on set?" You overheard a voice call out, spinning around as the members all began to file up onto the stage one by one.

Your hand pushed Seonghwa forwards as he tried to hover around you with a wide smile on his face. Your head shook as he turned round to you, poking his tongue out at you before turning his attention back up towards the stage, being seated on the end of a sofa.

"Welcome back," the interviewer smiled as the cameras started to roll, with the boys organizing themselves before the cameras turned around to them. "We're joined tonight by Ateez, why don't you guys say hello?"

"Eight makes one team! Hello, we are Ateez!"

Your eyes were firmly on Seonghwa as he bowed for the camera, keeping a close eye on him as his eyes looked around too, making sure that you were definitely still in the room and there for him.

As the interview started, the questions seemed to be pretty cliché, with the members all taking turns to speak up, forcing smiles onto their faces as they turned out answers they had given several times before.

"We're busy preparing to get out and see Atiny," Hongjoong spoke up as they were asked about the things that were busy doing, "we've got plenty of new stuff coming out soon, so as ever we're just working hard and hoping that people look forward to what we do."

Your head nodded instinctively at his response, as ever you monitored everything that they had to say closely, the whole way through the interview to ensure there were no slip ups.

"Do you all mind if we ask some questions from the fans?" The interviewer eventually asked.

You were pleased to see the interview take a more natural turn, without the boys having to answer the same rehearsed questions as they usually had to do.

A few fan questions were asked to the other members before eventually it was Seonghwa's turn, with the interviewer looking particularly excited to ask their question to him.

"We've got a question from Jisoo in Busan, who wants to know if you have an ideal type Seonghwa?" She asked, staring across at him, "I'm sure all of your fans want to know the answer to that too."

"I do as it goes."

Immediately his eyes looked across the room to where you stood, offering you the smallest of smiles to make sure that no one else picked up on it. The rest of the boys all knew instinctively where his gaze would be, making sure that they kept themselves composed to make sure that they gave no hints away for the interviewer to pick up on.

"I love kind people, who always support me," Seonghwa began to answer, "looks don't matter too much to me, it's all about personality."

"He loves girls who make him laugh too," Yeosang interrupted, "he's always been really good at finding funny girls who can make all of us laugh too."

You knew Yeosang meant well, but beside him Yunho was quick to give him a nudge to stop him from spilling any further. Whilst nothing gave you away, you were worried that he might just end up running away with himself.

"Surely you must have a bit of an ideal type when it comes to looks?" The interviewer pushed.

Seonghwa's head shook back at her as he glanced at you, making sure that he could conceal your identity. "A big smile is important," he noted as your smile went wide, "a big smile always makes my heart flutter."

"Are you sure you can't be a little more specific?"

His head shook, relieved to see your head nod as you assured him silently that he had done enough to make you feel loved, whilst also keeping things nice and quiet between you both.

"People who I like know that I like them, that's all that matters to me."

It didn't take long before Hongjoong especially tried to change the subject of the interview, not wanting for Seonghwa to be placed under any more pressure that he needed to be. Once she eventually caved, you sighed in relief, watching Seonghwa settle again in his seat.

After a few more questions, the interview was brought to an end as the studio lights came back on, and the boys all stood up. You hovered back as they walked off the stage, spotting Seonghwa instantly as he waved across to you.

You followed a few paces behind him as he walked off the set and across to the boys' dressing room, holding the door until you arrived. As soon as you did, he closed the door and locked it behind you both so that you had no interruptions.

"Did I answer the question alright?" He immediately asked you, "I didn't say anything wrong or upset you, did I?"

"No," you quickly assured you, closing the distance between you both, "you had to be very careful with your words, but you still made me feel as if you were talking just about me, I couldn't ask for anything more than that."

With a sigh of relief, Seonghwa wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You could tell that he was nervous, he was with any media that they did, but especially so when you were in the room, and subconsciously the topic of conversation too.

You gave him a few moments before looking up at him, smiling wide at the grin that was on his face as soon as he looked down at you.

"I was so nervous that I'd say the wrong thing," he admitted, "if I was too specific, I ran the risk of some of the other staff realizing, I already think a couple of them are suspicious."

"You've saved our backs for another day; you don't have to worry about that."

Seonghwa's head nodded calmly, "making sure that I did the right thing for you was the only thing I was worried about up there."

"You were fine," you assured him, "and it certainly feels nice for me to know that I'm your ideal type."

"You're my only type," Seonghwa confirmed, "every single part of you will always be the ideal type for me."

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