⠀ ii | we got work to do

Start from the beginning

"Can we not fight, please?"

"He started it," Sam protested, glancing at the hand in front of his chest before glaring at his brother, "No. And she's not ever going to know,"

"Well, that's healthy," sarcastically, Dean folded his arms, "You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are,"

Max shook her head in disbelief, "Dean, leave him alone," but Dean just turned around and kept walking. Dodging around Max, much to her dismay, Sam followed after him. Exasperated, Max rolled her eyes, jogging after her brothers in an attempt to remain in the middle. At least that way this altercation wouldn't end in a black eye

"And who's that, Dean?" yet again ignoring Max, looking right over her head at Dean

"You're one of us," replied Dean matter of factly. Pushing past Max once again, Sam hurried to get in front of Dean and stop him from walking as Max sped into a jog, her legs shorter than her brother's

"No," sneered Sam, pointing at Dean, "I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life."

"Dude," Max disapproved, finally showing some kind of side-picking and earning a glare from her twin. She sighed deeply and cautiously, "Sam," trying again, less judgemental this time, "We have a responsibility to-"

"To Dad?" Sam interrupted, anger-fuelled and careless with his words, "And his crusade?" humorless laugh escaping his lips, Sam shook his head, "Jesus, Max, if it weren't for pictures we wouldn't even know what Mom looked like,"

"Sam, shut up," she warned, already noticing Dean's clenched fists

"Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back," Dean went to grab Sam, not anticipating his strength when he shoved Max out the way. He hadn't meant to hurt her, he would never, but gravel beneath her feet and the lack of balance from the shock of it all sent her falling on her ass. Hands scraped and sliced on the gravel as Max shot him a harsh glare. But not one that he saw. He was too busy taking his chance to grab Sam by the collar and he shoved him up against the railing of the bridge

Getting up from being pushed over and brushing her hands gently as an attempt to stop them from stinging, there was a long pause where Dean only looked from Sam, to Max, and again to Sam

"Don't talk about her like that," harshly, Dean released Sam walking away.

Sam looked at Max, "You okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Max sneered, furious from Dean's action. She got up and walked straight over to Dean. When he turned to look at her, she already had her hands ready, grasping both of his shoulders to pull him down harshly enough in just the right way for it to really fucking hurt when her knee slammed right into his gonads

"Fuck!" voice barely working, Dean keeled over in pain, hands covering his crotch protectively. Sam's fist covered his mouth as he stared in shock wincing in slight sympathy at just how much he knew that hurt, "What was that for?" voice high and whimpery, Dean couldn't even bring himself to stand straight he was in so much pain

"Little harsh, Max,"

"He deserved it!"

"Oh my god,"

"I can't breathe," Dean sucked in harshly, trying to catch his breath and glaring upon hearing the amused snickers of an amused young woman, "Are you laughing?"

"No!" Max smirked unconvincingly, lying through her teeth as Sam smirked in amusement. But rather than teasing his brother along with his sister, Sam noticed something on the other side of the bridge. Something that wiped the amusement clean off his face

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