Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 Tanhua Lang's Child Bride (End) +...

    "Jin Mingxuan, what are you doing?"

    Wang Guangquan threw his wine glass and stood up.

    As soon as Jin Mingxuan returned to the mansion, he received news from Zhang Hanlin, asking him to lead troops to raid Wang's house.

    When he heard that the Wang family was going to be raided, Jin Mingxuan immediately regained his spirits, without even changing his shoes, he immediately went to the Guards.

    "Why am I here, you should be clear." Jin Mingxuan turned sideways and instructed, "Let's all do it, Mr. Wang's family is rich, there are many things we need to work on."

    "Jin Mingxuan, you are like this..." Wang Guangquan came out from behind the table , Before he could finish speaking, he was slapped in the face by Jin Mingxuan.

    "Wang Guangquan, you should be very happy when my sister died, right?" Jin Mingxuan leaned into Wang Guangquan's ear and whispered, "Eleven years ago, you lied to our Jin family, and this is your retribution now. The emperor has already Order, let us copy the Wang family."

    Holding Wang Guangquan's head firmly, Jin Mingxuan said again, "Don't think about struggling any more, this time no one can save you, Master Zhang has already brought his soldiers to Gongquan. Wangfu. This time, Prince Gong himself can't protect himself, let alone you!"

    "How... how is that possible?" Wang Guangquan said in disbelief.

    But the reality is that the Wang family and Prince Gong's mansion were confiscated at the same time, together with more than a dozen households, and they were confiscated together.

    This time, the home raiding operation will be the largest in scale in the decades to come.

    Ye Huan listened to it in the mansion for three days, and then the Prince Gong mansion next door became quiet.

    When the house raid was over, several houses in the capital were vacant, but the Heavenly Prison was full of people.

    This time, the raid was huge.

    Huang Ze came back every day, very tired.

    It was not until the day when the case was sentenced, when Huang Ze came back, that he took the wind with him while walking.

    Ye Huan poured tea for Huang Ze, and the two sat face to face on the soft slump.

    "How's it going?" Ye Huan asked.

    Huang Ze drank the tea in one gulp and let out a long sigh, "The case has been sentenced."

    He paused, "The emperor laid the main blame on Wang Guangquan, so Wang Guangquan and others were sentenced to beheading, respectfully. Wang took the title and was imprisoned in the palace forever. All their family wealth was confiscated, and most of their money was taken away. In the end, it was all for nothing. I don’t know what they think.”

    “By the way, Wang Guangquan has been crying, saying that he wants to see me. The last time." Huang Ze hesitated, not knowing whether to go or not.

    "Then you can go." Ye Huan said lightly, "He is about to die, and he is still begging to meet. If you don't go, outsiders should say that you are heartless."

    "He is dying, and it is not reassuring. "Huang Ze sighed.

    Huang Ze chose a free day to go to the prison.

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