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Chapter 3

“Left early to finish some stuff at the shop. You’re brother’s at Allen’s house. Have fun at orientation! –Mom” Read the sticky-note on fridge.

My parents were always working. They ran a small tailoring slash dry cleaning shop that was a walking distance from our apartment. It wasn’t much, but they could never afford the risk of trying to expand or find something else to do.

As I was spreading Nutella on my toast, Cullen came through the door, swinging his keys around his finger.  He bowed deeply and said, “You’re carriage awaits you, m’lady.”

“Want a ssssammich?” I asked as he straightened up.

“Nutella and peanut butter?”

“Of course.” It had been our favorite snack since we were little.

“Yum. Yes, but hurry we’re almost late.” He shook his golden brown hair, still damp from a morning shower, out of his eyes. I always wished I had boy hair so I could do that.

I finished my sandwich quickly and threw together Cullen’s without bothering to toast the bread, and we rushed out the door.


“You ready?” asked Cullen.

“I’ve been ready since I got accepted.”

“Well, why are we waiting out here then? I want to see those cute girls you were talking about.” He grinned at me mischievously and I rolled my eyes.

As we started towards the entrance, I looked around to see a beautiful campus. The buildings were situated in a large U formation. The sidewalks weren’t concrete, they were little pebbles all stuck together. In the center of all the buildings, there was a big fountain with water cascading from the middle. The school obviously had a lot of money. A rotunda building was in the center, behind the fountain. The three main buildings had their names on plaques, but I couldn’t see any of them from here.

When we entered the center building, we were greeted by the man with circular glasses from my audition. He wore similar glasses again, but in a different color.

“Oh, I remember you!” He smiled at me. “You’re the girl with the lovely original on the piano.”

“And you are?” he looked at Cullen.

“Oh, I’m not attending here. Hah.” He answered awkwardly. “I’m just keeping Charlie here company.”

“So, I’m guessing you’re the best friend? Like, the one she wrote the song for?”

Cullen gave him a sheepish look, “That would be me.”

“Aw. Aren’t you two cute? Well, you’re going to need to check-in in the dining hall. Here, take a map.”

I smiled and thanked him. Cullen ushered me through the crowds to the side and I looked at my surroundings. According to the map, we were in the Great Hall. I looked up at the ceiling which was made of elaborate stained glass designs, and the circular part had a bright yellow sun surrounded by purple. The walls of the hall were covered in art work and school memorabilia.

“This place is beautiful.”  I said in awe to Cullen.

Cullen scoffed in response. “Psh. Rich kids.” But I could tell he was impressed.  “So….Where do we need to go?”

“Um…Let me check.” I looked at the map. We were in the Great Hall, located in the Bowmen building. The dining hall, library, and offices were also here. “Down that way, I think.” I said as pointed to a doorway where I could see a lot of people entering and leaving.

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