Thank You!

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Alright, this isn't really going to be a rant but whatever :P


I can't believe that I have almost 150 votes collectively. THAT'S NUTS!

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

I also love the feedback that I have been getting on these journals.

I have been saying a lot of thank you's on my message board but I figured I would just do this, too.

I love writing and wattpad gave me a space to do that.

 I really hope that this time next year, I havemore to be thankful for.

Thanks :*


Now, I can't leave you guys without a rant :D

@MonacoWolf (check her out, she is really awesome!) started to talk about this in her 'rant' book but I have a lot to say about this!

On Saturday, I went to American Eagle because I have an obsession.

If you go to school with me, you would know that I have this really nice sweater with a multi coloured print on the top. If I can find it, I will put it on the side!

Anywho, I bought my sweater that I love so very much on Boxing Day for $40. This was actually on sale, believe it or not. I walked in on Saturday and I found the same sweater but in a pink and maroon for 12 dollars. I was so mad.

But then I got happy because I was going to pay 50 dollars for the shirt I am wearing right now and got it for 12. Everything is awesome in the world again!


Before I go, I must say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURTIS!!!!! Because I love him :D (not really)

Song of the day:

Working Man by Imagine Dragons

I know I say this a lot, but they are amazing and this song is addicting :)

Love you my little cakepops,

Madi xxx

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