Lock & Key

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My head was pounding as my eyes fluttered open, greeted by a bright pale light. I turned my body away instinctively but stopped abruptly as I felt a tug on my right forearm. I turned to see a needle protruding from my arm that led to an IV looming over the bedside. What the hell? As my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light, I was taken back by the realization that this was not my room. The pale walls, the buzzing coming from those stupid bright lights, and the uncomfortable mattress my body was resting on made me aware that I was in a hospital room. I frantically looked around the monochromatic room again. A single window to my right showed that it was pitch black outside, like an empty void that made it seem like this room was the only space in existence. Another item caught my eye on the bedside table. A small, tear- away paper calendar that displayed the date on a sky blue square: February 17. This sent a shiver down my spine that caused my stomach to twist, crashing up into my lungs like violent waves.

Before waking up, it was February 15th. I was in my bedroom, the smell of the burning cinnamon incense stick on my windowsill wafted through the small cream colored room. I could feel the fogginess of sleep cloud my eyes, pulling them down as if weights were attached to my eyelashes. I made my way to my bed. The wooden frame hugged my queen mattress perfectly. I lifted the blue comforter and slid myself underneath. My silk pillowcases drew my head in like a magnet, drawing me to darkness.

So how did I get here? Why am I here? Too many questions flooded my mind. They spun around rapidly like a twister in my brain. I was swept up in those thoughts, the room began to violently spin from the pounding sensation in my skull. I was quickly snapped back to reality by a buzzing on the table that was paired with an abrupt ding . My phone. I quickly grabbed it. The time was 5:00 am. I blinked away the tears forming in my eyes from the bright screen and looked at the newest text.

Issac: Hey, coming to see u

He's here? Before I could process, the door to my room creaked open slowly. I saw the shadow of a person on the wall as they walked in. Sure enough, it was Issac. His pale skin reflected the bright lights above, emphasizing his collar bone. His normally neat brown hair was unkempt as if he had just rolled out of bed. His clothes mirrored this. His white T-shirt was wrinkled, and his jeans had an unknown stain on the knee. But, despite his messy complexion, his brown eyes still sparkled with the same twinkle he always had. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. My best friend was here, I was no longer alone.

"Hey," he smiled, walking to the foot of the bed, "how are you doing?"

"Well, my head is pounding." I went to touch the back of my head, noticing for the first time that there was a bandage wrapped around my head. I winced at the touch. " I also can't remember anything from the past 24 hours it seems."

"You can't?" Issacs's expression shifted from a cautious smile to a worried look.

"No, the last thing I remember is going to bed on the 15th."

"So, it turns out there was another effect from your accident Ms. Greenshaw" A different voice started from the doorway. Issac and I turned to see a doctor. I didn't notice him enter. An old man, his hair white and balding. His coat seemed too big as if he had lost a lot of weight recently. "You have a serious head injury, and it was a possibility that you could have retrograde amnesia." I felt my stomach sink again.

"Will she get her memories back?" Issac asked.

"Most patients do, there will be triggers that bring back bits of information at the time. It is important to be patient with yourself." he smiled. "I came to let you know that you are free to leave with your boyfriend when you feel comfortable. We have no more tests or treatments for you at the time."

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