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It was long ago

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It was long ago. The wind was blowing, and the moon shown down. And then, it happened! A large 8 ft tall bear came and-


"Awe, that was my favorite part!"

(Start video)

Scene changes to Merida looking at Eva.

"Hello there."

"Eevoi!" said Eva, wagging her tail.

"There's not many Pokemon where you come from, are there?" asked Seth.


Team Rocket then chase after the heroes, and Giovanni said, "Get me those Pokemon NOW!!!"

"We can get you back home, but we need to hurry," said Professor Oak.

"Time is being tampered with," says Arceus, as he looked through the portal.

If we don't get her back soon, said Mewtwo, All of history could be destroyed and re-written.

"Well that's just great!" said Red sarcastically.

"Soon, I will control all of time, and the universe will be mine!" said Mercilla, who reveals herself as actually someone else

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"Soon, I will control all of time, and the universe will be mine!" said Mercilla, who reveals herself as actually someone else

"Soon, I will control all of time, and the universe will be mine!" said Mercilla, who reveals herself as actually someone else

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"So," said Ruby Rose, "Off on another adventure?"

"Yep," said Seth, "And this time, it's the whole universe at stake!"

Team RWBY then do a team attack, and we cut to Eva using take down on Mightyena.

"You were foolish to think you could defeat me," said Grimmholde.

"Friends stand together!!" snaps Ash.

Grimmholde then reveals herself as Salem, who has been revived by some crash spell.

(Pause at 0:36)

"Well, look at that, we can all die together," said Seth.

"You know, I said that exact same thing during initiation," said Yang.

"Oh yeah, I remember that," said Ruby.

"Hello, Grimm attacking!!" said Weiss.

"Let's do this!" said Merida.


The lords of the land argue, until Ash's Charizard blows fire into the sky.

"This is what the true villains want!" said Blake, "to turn us against each other!"

The scene then cuts to Elinor, Merida's mother being cornered by Salem and the Grimm.

"I'M COMING MUM!!" cried Merida, riding on her horse Angus.

"This time, things will be different," said Salem as she looks down on the heroes.

(Pause at 0:51)

"Don't all villains say that?" asked Seth.

"Yeah, it get annoying too," said Jessie, who was temporarily working for the good guys.

"Can we focus on the main problem first please?" asked Alissa.


"Sorry," said James, "In the moment."


Everyone charges at the Grimm, and Seth, Ruby, and Merida charge at Salem.

Everyone charges at the Grimm, and Seth, Ruby, and Merida charge at Salem

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"That was amazing!" said Merida.

"Thanks," said Blue, even though he lost the battle, "It's not every day you get to see such ama-"

"I wasn't talking to you lad."

Blue stopped, and looked at Merida, while Seth, Ash, Team RWBY, and Red all laugh at him.

"Ha ha, real funny."


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