After a while of just having fun, he comes towards me and shouts, "I'm gonna fucking jump, so you better catch me!"

I nod. I can't just tell him no!

He gets super close and jumps. I catch him easily, also putting my foot on top of his skateboard to stop it from rolling really far away in the process. 

He's laughing freely and clinging to my shoulders. I put both of my hands under his thighs and readjust him, so he feels more comfortable.

"That was wicked" he laughs and kisses my cheek

"Yeah, you looked hot" i giggle

He jumps down and grabs his board from the ground. he tucks it under his arm and says, "we should take that car of yours for a spin soon"

"Okay, how about tomorrow? We can go eat or something"

"How about we take it at night, drive to an old park, and make out under the stars?" he suggests

I don't even think for a second before nodding and grinning. "That's a much better idea"

When we're back inside, he goes to shower and I plop myself on the couch. Liam looks over at me from the recliner and says, "You too are cute"

I roll my eyes. He just keeps on bringing up Lou and I.


Louis doesn't like me like that

"Yeah, thanks" I mumble as I turn my attention to the telly

"So, you agree then?" he asks, now moving to the couch next to me

"Why's the bed folded in?" I ask, ignoring his question

"Niall is sleeping with Zayn. No- wait, I mean, Niall is sharing Zayn's bed. They're not- I didn't mean... fuck" Liam laughs at himself

"I know they aren't sleeping together. Zayn has a girlfriend and Niall... well, I think he's still denying his sexuality, and his crush on Zayn" I joke

"Like you, denying your crush on-" Liam starts but his voice gets cut off by Niall

thank god

"What did you say about my sexuality, Harreh?"

"Just said that you won't except the fact that you're completely, utterly, truly, in love with me and won't admit it" I grin at him

He suddenly jumps over the couch, landing right in my lap, and he hugs me and kisses all over my face

"OH HARRY! I thought you didn't know! I do love you! I love you I love you I-" He stops with the act and gasps

"what?" I ask, confused 

He was gripping my t-shirt, which pulled the neck down, and he can see the hickeys on my neck from Louis


"Shush! Jesus!" I laugh because I'm nervous... and trying to think of a lie

Liam pulls my shirt down again to exaime the love bites

"Those are fresh, Harry" Liam says

Oh no oh no Liam is smart. he's gonna connect the dots-

"He snuck out last night. Caught him when I got up for water" I hear behind me


"Yeah... I didn't think anyone else was up" I shrug

thank god for Zayn Malik

"What did you tell me her name was, Harry? Jasmine or-"

"Jossylin" I correct, thinking up perfect lies on the spot

Louis comes down from his shower and says, "Who's Jossylin?" because he just heard the end of our conversation

"NO ONE" I shout and stand up, knocking Niall off my lap into the floor

"I'll explain!" Zayn says quickly. he grabs Louis' hand and drags Louis into the kitchen

I look down at Niall.

"Oh, shit, sorry. Sorry, so sorry" I say as I grab him and pull him out of the floor

"My butt hurts now, jerk"

"I love you. I'm sorry" I say as I hug the Irishman

He gives in and hugs me back

"Tell us about your lady friend" Liam says when Niall and I sit back down

"I met her at a while ago. I keep her number in case I ever need... yeah, anyways, we got in touch, and I left the house at like 1 am or something because she was in the area" I lie quickly, pretty proud of myself 

"Anyways, I'm gonna get a beer" I say before Liam can ask anymore questions

I rush to the kitchen

"I just felt like he needed a good lie so I stepped in" Zayn shrugs

"H-hey, thanks for covering me back there" I mumble as I walk past Zayn

I get out a beer and pop it open on the counter.

"Can I talk to Louis alone?" I ask Zayn politely. Zayn nods and goes to the living room.

"You okay?" I ask Louis

Louis nods.

"I guess I shouldn't mark you... You're having to lie to the guys, and Zayn's lying but doesn't even know what is going on, because I was being dumb. I'm sorry" 

"Hey" I say as I walk over to him

I tip his face up and make him look me in the eyes

"You know how much I like it when you mark me" I whisper

"Yeah?" he asks

"Because it just shows that I'm still yours" I promise

He bites his lip and nods.

"You'll always be mine... right?" He asks

"Right. Always."

Friends or Lovers ~ L.STahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon