Chapter 1 - Chance: The First Meeting

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Life has always been the same. I wake up and make myself presentable, and then tend to my job duties. Once I'm done with my duties, I make my way back home and prepare for the next day. It is a monotonous, tedious way of living, but it is all I've ever known. All I've ever known, until recently.

Being an oracle, I generally do not communicate with many, unless I am prophesizing and need to relay a message. I am treated as such an important figure that no one ever seems to feel "worthy" or "special" enough to speak with me. I would love to speak to anyone that would give me the time of day beyond that of looking at me and then bowing before looking away. It's a bleak life to live, and it's all my life will ever be – loneliness. I'm nothing more than a figure, a timekeeper.

My job is to foresee the path of the Celestial Realm and all who inhabit it. I'm never permitted to stray to something other than being a servant of others' quest for knowledge. But, as time has continued, I've begun to crave more interaction.

'Perhaps this will be the day?' I thought as I got up and began to get ready for the day.

Making my way to my bathroom, I got dressed, methodically draping my white and teal cape over my black and gold leotard and gently brushing through my hair before letting it flow freely. I loved how fantastical it looked; it was the only "wild" thing I was allowed to have without others judging.

Before leaving my bathroom, I took a look at myself to ensure I looked presentable. Fluffing my wings, I sighed as I turned to leave. "Time for work," I whispered, wishing for something different to happen.

As I made my way out of my home, I walked through my normal daily path. The bright lights of the Celestial Realm greeted me, warming my skin and thoroughly waking me up. A cool breeze encircled me, gently ruffling my wings and scattering my hair. Taking my time, I kept my pace slow so that I can enjoy the beautiful scenery. The trees stood tall and the scent of the nearby Celestial Violetberries tickled my nose. Their sweet floral scent gave a light ambiance to the trail. It felt like the beginning of any other day. However, unlike every other day, today I crossed paths with another.

"Lily, watch out!" I heard a male scream.

Feeling someone's presence collide with me, I stumbled forward to the ground. My palms skid across the forest floor, getting scraped against the tree roots. "Ouch," I grumbled.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" I chipper voice spoke.

Turning over, I saw a young angel. Her voice rang through the air like bells, her hair blew in the wind, and her eyes held such kindness and worry in them, I didn't know how to react.

"Lily, I told you to watch out," a young male spoke as he and another male ran up behind her.

"I know, I'm sorry," she spoke, looking downtrodden.

A feeling of protectiveness washed over me. "No, no! It's quite alright. I'm okay. This couldn't be helped," I said with a smile at the one they were calling Lily, who I soon recognized as Lucifer's sister, Lilith.

Standing up, I wiped off my clothes and reached down to help the young angel up as well. The two males behind her went wide-eyed as they realized who I was.

"Oracle Seraphina, we had no idea. We apologize for causing you any delay," one of the males I recognized as Beelzebub spoke.

I raised my hands, waving off his worry. "Really, it is okay. I'm fine. Tell me, what brings you three through the forest? I don't normally see many angels on this part of the walking trail."

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