Chapter 2: Nevermind. Not easy.

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"What?" I asked them, super confused at the situation.

Was it something I said?

"Ummmm." John mumbled.

Holy shit maybe this was a bad idea. I should have never come here. I'm so awkward and stupid an-

"That's like pretty much the maximum of a level I think." John said with a rejection like tone.

"Damn, he could be the King." Sera remarked.

I look at them with a "what?" expression, then I said to them "Wait, its not normal to be that high?"

"NO!" They both replied.



"Um explains a lot." I said really fucking nervous.

At this point I feel like I'm going to puke I'm so embarrassed.

I want to curl up in a ball and hide but obviously I couldn't do that, I had to calm the fuck down.

"Damn you're nervous?" He asked. "You like it."

"K-Kinda." I answered.

"Pssh, people are nervous of YOU. God tiers scare the shit outta people." John said.

He got up and declared "I'm going to get another Mango soda, you want one Sera?"

"Naw, but that was nice of you " She smiled.

They must be a couple.

Afraid of me? Surely not. Why tho. I'm more afraid if being JUDGED.

Alright, alright do not work yourself up. Just gotta calm down, smile and get through this

I excused myself to get a cup of coffee because its the only warm drink they had there.

When I sat back down John had a notebook and was staring at me.

"Um what's that?" I asked assuming I was involved.

"I'm going to ask you some questions." He smiled.


"His therapist told him to do this as an exercise. Its to help him trust new people." Seraphina explained. "Its really fun actually to do the activity."

He goes to therapy? I didn't know that, I wondered what happened to him.

"Um OK. Sure." I agreed.

"OK then, number 1: What is your worst fear?" John began.

"Being judged." I replied.

"Number 2: On a good day what do you like to do?" He continued.

"Um. I guess sit at home and read or do computer projects?" I answered.

"Number 3: When you are upset, what do you do?"

"I just hide somewhere and either cry or I just try to suppress my emotions."

"Number 4: If you saw a friend in a fire but there was also a valuable that needed saving which one would you go first?"

"The friend cause I don't even know if its worth something and besides that's replaceable."

"Number 5: Love or success, which is more important to you?"

I was stumped for a minute, I had to think really hard for the answer.

They also noticed I was thinking really hard for a minute ass well.

"Um I guess I would say love?" I answered.

Besides what do I know, I'm just a 15 year old.

"Alrighty then I'll check you off as....." John began writing down in his notebook. "Trustworthy!"

"Uh wow." I said. "I guess I passed right?" I smiled nervously.

"Yup." John said "Thanks for doing it."

"Oh um it was nothing."

"Look at you getting better." Sera teased him.

John smiled and they both got up to throw away their trays.

I myself got up to throw away my tray and just continue on with my day.

- Wellston Boys Dorm -

The day went on with more classes, nothing interesting.

For some reason those two thought I was cool and gave me their socials, I don't know why they like me but I digress...

There was another reason why I enrolled at Wellston, I haven't said because I wanted to keep it a surprise.

There is an ability arena type event that's taking place here, its a tournament where you fight against others with your ability, there is a grand prize involved.

I don't know what that grand prize is, the event hosts say its a "secret" but its probably just money or a vacation.

Or something exotic?

Anyways I wanted to sign up for the tournament, it sounded fun and plus I needed to go to Wellston City anyways.

Oh right I have to register! I need to go find my laptop!

I turned on my MacBook to hear the familiar chime, after which I loaded a web browser and went to the event's web site.

With just a few keyboard strokes I was registered into the event.

I finished up what I was doing and shut off my laptop and I got up to go to the bathroom to add new blue streaks in my hair as they were fading.

I wonder if John and Seraphina are going?

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