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I am going to go from using Max and Wanda consistently so it's is easier, but just remember Max is Wanda. Don't get used to all the nicey nice chapters, I'm only getting started *enter devilish smirk here*

[Third Person...]

After you finished your first training with Tony, you've been trying your best to get better at what he was trying to teach you, which you still had no idea what he was trying to teach you.

Your mother hasn't been home along with Danny in the past week, so you've been able to roam the apartment freely before and after training and school. You haven't been getting much sleep as you would wake up to dress the kids, travel along with Tony to drop Cesar off at his new school before being taken to the compound for training.

After training you would make your own way to school with Ceci and get harassed by Nate and Bella for half the day.

After school you would train again with Tony, to which he'd feed you all then you'd get home, work on assignments and pass out. You haven't even made your way to bodega in what felt like days.

It was Saturday today, and Tony hadn't explained what days would look like on the weekends so you decided to make your way to the sandwich shop to see how your twin brother was doing, figuring if Tony wanted or needed to get a hold of you, he could.

You strolled into the bodega to find mister Martinez with the biggest smile, he ran over to you all hugging and kissing your cheeks before grabbing Ceci and walking back behind the counter. You giggled at him before going to find Rafael who was busy stocking shelves.

"Hey." You say quietly

"Hi." He says as if he would want to be anywhere else

"How have things been with Ivan and them, and the bodega-"

"Oh, suddenly you care." Raf looked at you with annoyance before going back to what he had previously been doing.

"What are you talking about? I've always cared, I've been trying to-"

"To what? Hm? I don't want to hear your excuses, I haven't seen you in a week, every day I have been busting my ass here to pay bills and with Ivan to pay dues, and where have you been Nena? Kickin' it with the feds." Your mouth was open in shock at how your brother knew.

"I-I'm not-"

"Don't give me no bullshit excuse."

"Raf! We were caught, of course one of us would have to pay the consequences."

"So where have you been?" He asks turning around looking at you dead in the eye with distrust.

"The court is making me pick up trash before and after school..."

"Wait, hold up..." he says scrunching his eyebrows in confusion before smiling.

"They got you on garbage duty?" He asks before laughing out loud.

"Okay, alright! Cut it out, it isn't that bad." You exclaim but Rafa didn't stop laughing, he continued on making his jokes about you as he cackled. You rolled your eyes with a smile on your face walking away, finally letting out the breath you didn't know you were holding. You went over to the front of the bodega to speak to mister Martinez when you felt two slim and soft hands snake their way around your waist.

You knew the feeling of those hands.

You smiled as you turned around to find Wanda, Max, smiling back at you.

"Hello, beautiful." She says with her accent thick as day.

"Hello, pretty. Long time no see." You say, it had been a while since you last seen Wanda, so to see her right now standing in front of you with her arms around your waist, it made your stomach fill with butterflies and your heart flutter.

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