Shirtless Anirudh came down on her with deliberate motion. Her whole body flamed ' he removed her brassier and admired the little globes with fascination of an art admirer. Then slowly he kissed one of them with care. Softly sucking on the bud! Bondita felt a strong wave of pleasure run through her body. Anirudh kissed and sucked on her breast until she was moaning with abandon. He gave same treatment to the other breast and her screams increased with each ministration.

Bondita was trying to pull him up. He knew his erection was already at her entrance, but his pants and her underwear were still there. He let her feel the pressure of his lions directly where she wanted it to be ' increasing her demand, increasing her want. She was desperately pushing against him, and he was desperately trying to control himself from tearing everything and just entering her. He kissed and revered her curvaceous waist. Her moans were driving him mad, yet he controlled for her abandonment was giving him enough pleasure.

He teasingly licked on her underwear band and bondita arced to convey her silent plea.

"Anirudh mmmmm"

Yes, just like that ' call me Anirudh not anirudh ji

"Anirudh please"

"Please what bondita ?"

"Please don't tease me" bondita said wantonly

"So what do you want?"

But bondita didn't give the answer. She pulled him and fumbled with the button of his pants. Her constant touches were sending shivers in Anirudh's body. He felt like all of his blood was flowing to that one organ only. Since her hands were trembling, Anirudh gave her a helping hand in removing his cloths. 

Bondita 's breath caught ' she looked at his naked glory with self-conscious wantonness. Looking him up and down and trying to pretend she wasn't as affected. He caught on her game, but didn't do anything to change her state ' she liked looking and him ' and he was enjoying that. He instead worked on to increase her pleasure, so that her first night ' their first night together would become something memorable for her. Anirudh ran his hands smoothly all over her, she was hot and she was wet ' very wet. As he played with the deepest part of her body, bondita started whimpering incoherent syllables of pleasure.


"What are you trying to say bondita " Anirudh asked cheekily

"Anirudh' don't play ' I want you"

And he wanted her. He wanted her so much, that it was practically hurting. "I want you too, I want you so much, but I don't want to hurt you"

"You can never hurt me, unless you start distrusting me again"

Anirudh smiled, when it came to trusting, he was a non-believer, but somehow this enchanting angle below him had turned him a believer. He would never distrust her again, even in the face of most testing adversaries ' he would remind himself of  episode, and would use it to embolden his faith in her.

He let himself in slowly, for she was so inviting. As he entered her, Anidrudh felt most satisfying sense of being at the best place in the world. He relished each and every moment of it with slow pleasure, also making sure that she enjoyed it to. Throughout the whole process he looked into her eyes, and saw the intensity of her emotions in them. As he conquered her, he felt like he could conquer everything in the world ' not only the material things, but the immaterial things too ' not only the tangible stuff but also the abstract. As he filled her, she filled the empty void of his heart with her essence. The closing of that empty void was giving him the feeling whole for the first time in his life. He was making love to her, and she was changing his whole being. All the soft moments, all the confusions and attractions between them till now, had been preparations for this perfect moment. With deeply satisfying physical and emotional thrust, Anirudh gave himself away to the pleasure. She was there with him, enjoying each second of their fulfilling union. She whimpered and moaned, and with him she traveled the emotional distance.

"Anirudh ji, don't move"

"But Bondita I am heavy"(le me = yeh dekhye inki laparvayi ka natija or dooso khaana)

"It's a welcome weight" bondita said shyly. Anirudh gave her a kiss of happiness. Lying together on that bed, playing with each other, finally the two slumbered off to new dreams.


Anirudh woke up to bangle jingles the next day. Bondita was not there on the bed, but her presence was in the atmosphere. He smiled and looked at her sitting front of the mirror, she was putting on her Magalsutra. She lifted the sindoor dibbi and put it all too. Her smile was radiating and the tune she was humming was filled with joy. Anidrudh looked at all her marital adornments, and he was again a believer!💕💕


Tell me ki app log viajanti and anidrudh ka mature content dekna chate hai ya funny series'

And happy rose day inka bhi bf hai kash unke leye roses kam padjaye 🌚🌚🌹 🌹 🌸💐🏵🌹🌺🌺🌻💮💮💐🌹🏵🥀🌺🌼🌷🌼🏵🥀🌺🌻💮💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌼🏵🌹💐🥀🌸🌺💮🌻🌺🌺🌸🌺💐🥀🌹🏵🌼🌷🌷🌼🌼🏵🌹🥀💐🌸🌺💮💮🌻🌺🌺🌸💐🥀🌹🏵🌼🌷

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