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When I reached the black lake, I saw Draco's crumpled body laying on the ground right beside the water. What has he done!?, I thought. I ran to his body and rolled him over to face me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, even with how little he was breathing. I pulled out my wand and cast the floating spell since I would never be able to carry him. He floated along beside me as I ran to the hospital wing. We burst into the room which made Ms. Pomfrey jump.

She got up and rushed over to us. We got him over to a bed and slowly let him down. That's when I realized that there were scars and fresh cuts on his wrists. She handed me some wrap and I wrapped up his bleeding wrists. His face was bruised and bloody and from what I could tell, he had a broken rib. Ms. Pomfrey healed his rib but left the others to heal by themselves.

After I finished helping treat him, I turned to leave but a hand on my wrist stopped me. I turned around to find that Draco had grabbed hold of my wrist and was holding on with the strength he had left.

Y/N: What is it Draco? What happened to you?

But the only answer I got was,

D: Stay?

He sounded so vulnerable and it broke my heart when he used to sound so sure of himself in everything he did.

D: Just stay?

I nodded and sat down beside him with his hand in mine. I soon became quite tired so I got up and laid in the next bed over. I watched as he slept, wishing I could lay beside him but knowing it was the wrong thing to do. I laid there and gladly welcomed unconsciousness.


She was mad at him but she could never say no when he sounded so weak and so vulnerable. She couldn't deny that she still loved him but she just felt like a game to him. He never loved me, she thought, it was all just a game to him. But she truly didn't understand how much he loved her.

Draco's POV

I woke up the next morning and looked all around the room, trying to figure out where I was, until I remembered the events of last night. I sat up straight and looked around until I y/n asleep in another one of the beds beside me.

She stayed, I didn't think she would. I thought. I got up and realized my ribs were healed but my wrists were only wrapped. I walked over to y/n's bed and lightly shook her to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes and after she focused enough, she asked

Y/N: What are you doing up? You're not supposed to be up until tomorrow.

Before I knew what I was doing, I leaned forward and kissed her but when I thought she would push me away, she didn't. She only broke the kiss and made me lay down beside her. We lay there in silence for a little bit but soon she broke the silence.

Y/N: Draco, what happened to you?

I laid there for a minute before answering her. When I rolled over to face her, she was already looking at me, waiting.

D: I figured I had lost you so what was the point of living anymore if you were no longer by my side.

Y/N: How long have you been cutting yourself?

D: I started the week after you left me

Y/N: Why did I smell alcohol on your breath when I found you and I know you didn't give yourself a broken rib? Who did it?

D: I got drunk and the Trio found me. They took me to the Black Lake and beat me half to death. I tried to find you but I couldn't move from beside the Black Lake so Pansy found me and that's all that I remember

She laid there in silence and I was afraid she'd leave me but I stayed quiet for a while. She sat up and got off the bed and as she walked towards the door, I jumped up and ran to her.

D: Please don't leave me again. I need you. Please.

Only when she wiped her thumb across my cheeks, did I realize I was crying. She walked me back over to the bed and made me lay back down.

Y/N: Draco. Stay here. I'll be back, I promise.

Then she turned and walked out of the room. I lay back down and prepared for her to not come back. A half hour later, she still wasn't back but about 2 minutes later, I heard voices outside the door. I turned over to see her walking in with........

Draco?  {Draco x reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن