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The feeling of betrayal and hurt

and the feeling that you're lower than dirt-

You feel your heart is being crushed by an iron fist

and that your eyes are being covered by a gray mist-

That a hole was torn from your heart

and the feeling that your world is coming apart-

You feel like there is no way you can continue to live

and you ignore all the comfort people try to give-

Questions of what you did run through your brain

and every tear falls like a drop of rain-

You become lost and confused like your life's a maze

and all around you everything is trapped in a dreamy haze-

Inside you're broken like a shattered vase

and in your heart is an empty space-

This feeling brings a tightness to your chest

and makes your heart crack within your breast-

It makes you want to give up and die

but ask your self this question: What is the reason behind the tears I cry?

Deep EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now