Start from the beginning

Your boyfriend started to tug on Andrei's shirt, choking him a bit. Trying to get him out of the booth. Andrei let go of you and turned to face him. He adjusts his shirt. You could tell on Andrei's face that it annoyed him and he was losing patience.

You boyfriend didn't wait for Andrei to say anything. He reaches over Andrei and grabs your arm. "Babe let's fucking go" He yells at you as he pulls your arm roughly.

That threw Andrei over the edge. He pulled your boyfriends hand off your arm and stood up. "Touch her again and we'll fucking end you" Andrei said as he looked down at your boyfriend walking him into the nearest wall.

"Who's we?" You heard your boyfriend say

You didn't even notice some of Andrei's friends were now standing with him. Before anything could go further the man, who looked like the restaurant manager, came up to the group of guys.

"Gentlemen, is there a problem here?" He asks

Andrei speaks up before anyone else could "Actually there is. This guy right here is interrupting my dinner with my girlfriend. He's being extremely rude and disrespectful to us" Andrei tells the manager

"My apologies sir. I'll get him out of your way and you can enjoy the rest of your dinner on us" The manager says as he calls for security

As security escorted your now ex boyfriend out. He tried to explain that Andrei was lying but it was no use. Andrei sat back down next to you. You didn't say anything but you did lean into him.

"How bout I get them to pack this up for you and I get you home" Andrei offered

You give him a soft smile and nod.

"Thank you" You say quietly as Andrei drives you home

He looks over at you for a second "You don't have to thank me." He tells you

"I want to. If it weren't for you I'd probably be stuck with that guy for the rest of my life. I was too scared he would hurt me if I tried to leave" You confess to Andrei

Andrei frowns for a second but places a hand in your knee to comfort you. "You don't have to worry about him ever again. If he ever gives you trouble just call me" He says as he pulls up to the address you gave him

"How will I call you?" You ask

Andrei grabs your phone and enters his information into it. "That's how"

"Is there someone here or are you going to be alone?" Andrei asks as he points to the house

"This is my best friend's place. I didn't want to go home home" You tell him

He nods "Good because I don't want you being alone. I'll take you home to grab your things another day" He tells you

You nod and look over at him. No more words were said you just stared at each other.

"What would you do if I kissed you?" Andrei asked softly not taking his eyes off yours

You swallowed hard before opening your mouth to speak. "I would be okay with that. I was trying to come up with a way to thank you anyways" You say

Andrei smirks playfully "Again you don't have to thank me. I wanted to help you" He says as he leans in further

Soon enough you were both leaning in and closing the space between you two. You haven't felt this feeling in a while. Your boyfriend would never kiss you anymore and this is just what you needed. Your body relaxed leaned further into the center console between you two.

Andrei pulled away with a smile and your face was glowing red. "I'll walk you to the door"

Andrei got out before walking over to your side of the car to open your door. You got out and you two walked together.

"I'll see you around. Maybe?" Andrei says as you reached the door

You nod repeatedly "You will" You said giving him a kiss on the cheek and then entering the house.


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requested by HockeyJedi13

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