Melinda was in the infirmary on the Zephyr, as Jemma made sure she was ok

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Melinda was in the infirmary on the Zephyr, as Jemma made sure she was ok. Aaron was off to the side, watching over the love of his life. Jemma looked at him seeing the worry and concern all over him and began to assure him, "She'll be alright. She's stubborn, she wouldn't die that easily." He sighed and closed his eyes before opening them to look at her, "I know, I just worry too much." Jemma nodded in understanding as she checked over everything. She would be the same way with Spencer if something like that happened. Aaron looked at the young genius with curiosity and sternness, "What exactly happened?" Jemma turned after she was done and leaned against the counter. She looked at Melinda with concern, guilt, and anxiety. "When we got there, we began setting up everything to connect the staff. Leo and I had gloves on and tried to connect it, but it didn't stay together. Leo then suggested that she hold the staff and put it together. She did and she was fine for a moment, but then she lost consciousness. We feel guilty that we let her do that and we're sorry." Jemma explains and he looked at her with assurance but then sternness again, "It's fine. You did what you thought was right. Just make sure she wakes up." She gulped nervously and stuttered, "Yes, sir." Aaron walked out of the infirmary and towards the others as his phone goes off, making him grab it. He answered as he walked into the room wondering who was calling him, "Hello?" A familiar voice responded, "Hi, daddy!" Aaron smiled at his son's voice happy to hear from him. He looked at the team and saw them curious as to who he was calling. He placed himself on speaker and held it in front of him, "Say hi to everyone!" Jack smiled and greeted everyone, "Hi, guys!" Everyone each gave him a response to what he said. He was worried about everyone but specifically one person hence the reason he was calling. "Is Ms. May ok?" Jack asked and the team smiled at his question as they all knew that Melinda and Jack have a good connection, and it made them happy about it. She was slowly and slowly turning into a mother figure for him and it was a good thing to see. "She's fine, why?" Aaron asks curiously making Jack respond, "Ms. Garcia told me that she got hurt." Aaron cursed internally at Penelope for telling Jack about Melinda before responding, "She's fine, buddy. She's just resting right now." Jack nodded and then began to be worried about everyone else, "Ok. Is everyone else ok?" Mack smiled at hearing what the kid asked, "We're fine, little man!" Emily then added on, "We'll be back shortly." Aaron took his phone off speaker and placed it back to his ear, "Did you do your homework?" Jack smiled enthusiastically and replied, "Yeah! It is way easy than it was before!" Aaron smiled already knowing that it was more easier for him. Ever since Jack and Henry started school in the SHIELD base, they have been doing very well in school. "That's good. Well, I'll talk to you later and maybe I'll let you talk to Melinda, alright?" Aaron suggested and Jack agreed to it, "Alright! Love you!" Aaron smiled and replied back, "Love you too!" Aaron hung up as the rest of the team began working. Daisy smiled at him as he put his phone away, "You're a great dad!" He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck, "I try. It was difficult when Hayley wasn't around, but after what happened I think I am doing ok." Yoyo thought about something and smirked as she stepped forward and looked at him as well, "When do you think he's gonna start calling Melinda, Mom?" Aaron smiled and blushed a bit at the idea. He was silent for a moment, as the team smirked or smiled at him waiting for an answer. He shook his head, "I wouldn't mind but I want to see how she reacts." JJ shrugged, "I mean, she seems like a great Mom already towards him." Daisy began to tease Aaron as she remembered something, "Funny, seeing as how he witnessed your first kiss." Aaron groaned and wiped his face before beginning to defend himself, "I didn't expect him to be there when it happened." The team looked at them with shock and they also wondered how Daisy knew. Derek put a hand up and quirked an eyebrow, "Wait, Jack witnessed your first kiss?" Aaron sighed and told them, "Yeah, it was when Melinda was wrapping up my hand after I punched Andrew. I kissed her and Jack said 'ew'. It was funny but also embarrassing." Some of them were awed, while the others laughed as Jemma walked into the room, making Spencer walk over to her. The team all looked at her with concern before Jemma looked at everyone with relief on her face, "She'll be fine. She is just unconscious. Now, all we have to do is wait for her to wake up." Some sighed in relief and some had looks of curiosity. It was kind of weird without Melinda around as she was the one that helped them with certain things such as training. "So what do we have about the staff?" Phil asks trying to get back to work as Leopold began to sum up what the fourth piece is, "Turns out it isn't the same as it was with three. I think the fourth part is the most powerful. May has held the staff before and it gave her memories that she didn't want to see again, but it didn't bother her, so it was like she was just holding a staff." David began to ask about the staff, "So when you hold the staff you feel a lot of pain coursing through you?" Leopold nodded, "Exactly." Jemma states, "Absolutely." Spencer looked at his new best friend and girlfriend with skepticism, "I took the time to research about this staff and turns out it is from Asgard. Am I right?" Leopold nodded, "You're right, Spence. This staff has been around since the 9th century." JJ crossed her arms and looked at the geniuses with curiosity, "So what year was that?" Jemma answered simply, "860-940." Mack's jaw dropped in shock, "Wow!" Yoyo nodded in agreement, "Yeah!" Phil looked at the twins with curiosity, "So what are you guys doing now?" Jemma answered, "We are checking the world to make sure that there are no more pieces, and where we should place them." Leopold then added on, "So far, no more pieces." Phil nodded in approval, "Good." Emily then looked at them confused, "My question is, how can she hold it?" They all didn't know or see Melinda was up and moving and standing behind them all shrugging, "It's kind of simple really." Everyone's heads shoot to the hallway where Melinda was. She was leaning against the wall, looking at them all. Jemma looked at her with a stern look, "What are you doing out of bed? You were unconscious and are now freely walking around! How?" Daisy looked at the British genius with a scowl, "It's like you have a sensor for when one of us lifts our butts off the bed!" Jemma rolled her eyes at her friend as she mentioned the same thing when Ian Quinn shot her twice and they had her in the infirmary on the BUS. Laughs were heard around the room at her reaction. Daisy was as stubborn as Melinda and that was a large scale. Jemma looked back at Melinda with a stern look again. "I don't know. I thought the same thing when I woke up." Melinda replied as Aaron ran over and pulled her into a tight hug and due to the force, they were pushed into the wall. Melinda smiled a little and hugged back, knowing he was probably stressed and worried about her. He let go and kissed her head and sighed in relief. He was looking at her sternly as he cupped her cheeks, "Don't worry me like that again." Melinda chuckled softly and shook her head, "I can't promise that." Aaron smiled and dragged her over to everyone. She was still a little wobbly from being unconscious, but she was just fine. "So, what's next?" Melinda asks and Phil went to speak when the lights on the Zephyr started blinking. The plane was still flying, but the lights were blinking for no reason. The lights went out for a second then came back on. "What was that?" Emily asks and Mack shook his head, "I don't know, but whatever it was probably caused us that." Mack pointed to where the staff is or was as it wasn't there anymore. Everyone looked and either groaned or sighed that the staff was gone. Jemma looked at them all, "What should we do?" Phil looked at the twins and Spencer in a demanding way, "Quickly find that staff, we don't know what could happen if it is in the wrong hands." Jemma, Spencer, and Leopold nodded their heads and walked away determined to find the staff. Phil looked at everyone else with seriousness, "The rest of us will have to wait until the three find something that we can go off of." Everyone nodded and went their separate ways to relax. Derek, Daisy, Mack, and Yoyo sat on a couch waiting, JJ and Emily followed after the geniuses to try and help out, and the four older adults stood close to each other. David looked at Melinda, worried for her care, "You ok?" Melinda looked at him incredulously, "I'm fine. It wasn't the first time, probably not the last." Aaron scoffed softly and muttered, "I hope it is the last." Melinda rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, but let out a smile knowing that he cares. Aaron pulled out his phone, making her look at him curiously as he called Jack to surprise her. Jack immediately answered, making him think he was waiting for the call this whole time. "Hello?" Jack asks and Melinda smiled hearing who was on the phone and was excited to talk to him again. Aaron handed her the phone to talk to him. She immediately took it, "Hi, Jack!" She heard a gasp from the other side of the phone, making her giggle. Jack started asking her multiple questions at once as he worried about her, "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did anyone else get hurt?" Melinda chuckled at the multiple questions being asked at once. She began to assure him that she was ok, "I'm fine, everyone is ok, I'm ok. What are you doing?" Jack gasped that she remembered he started his first day at his new school, "I just finished my first day at the school here! It was so much fun!" She smiled and then pouted, "That's great. I'm sad I didn't get to see you on your first day." Jack immediately tried to make her feel better, "Don't worry! Ms. Garcia took pictures!" Melinda smiled, "She did?" Jack nodded, "Yeah! She said she'll send them to you after our call! But, I have a question!" Melinda felt nervous at the question he was going to ask her and it made her hands feel sweaty, "What is it?" Jack was silent for a moment, making her think it was something bad, before he responded, "Is it ok if I call you mom?" Melinda stiffened at that question and looked at Aaron, not sure if he has thought about that or not. She didn't know if she should let him call her mom, but she doesn't want to replace what Hayley used to be. "Jack, you know I am nothing like the mother Hayley was, right?" Melinda asks, making the team look over at that and were confused about what he asked of her. Aaron frowned at her as she didn't say any key words besides mother. "You don't have to be anything like mommy at all! Just be you!" Jack tells her making her smile at that as she looked at Aaron as he was in front of her next to Phil. He looked at her seeing what she is going to say. "I don't mind, Jack. If that's what you want to call me, then I don't mind." Melinda tells him and Jack cheered, "Yay!" She giggled at his reaction as the three geniuses walked in. They seemed to be serious about something and knew she would have to end the call now. "Hey, I will talk to you soon, ok?" Melinda tells him and Jack nodded, "Ok! Bye mom! Tell daddy I said I love him!" Melinda nodded with a smile, "I will! Bye!" Jack hung up and Melinda handed Aaron back his phone. She didn't say anything about what was said on the call because the geniuses were talking. "We found it!" Leopold announced making David look at them intrigued, "Really? Where?" Spencer was the one that responded, "Poland." Emily looked at them questionably, "How'd it get that far in a short amount of time?" Leopold sighed and shook his head, "No clue." Melinda walked over to the pilot seat and began turning the Zephyr towards Poland. Phil looked at everyone with a tired expression on his face, "I think it's time we went to sleep. It's been a long day." Phil walked towards the rooms for the night and everyone else followed, except Aaron. He wanted to know what Jack told her and sat down next to her. "What did he ask you?" Aaron asks making Melinda look at him, before looking back at the midnight sky. She sighed and looked back at him with a frown, not sure how he will react to what he asked and her answer. "He asked me if it was ok if he could call me mom." Melinda tells him and he asked her curiously, "And you said yes?" Melinda nodded and Aaron smiled and kissed her head. She smiled at the action as she looked back out as Aaron watched it with her. "Was it difficult learning how to fly?" Aaron asked curiously and she nodded, "Yeah. Took me ever since I joined the academy to almost the end to be able to. Exhausting." Aaron chuckled at her reaction, making her join in. He yawned as he stood up then kissed her head, "I'm gonna head to bed. See you in the morning." Melinda nodded, and then he walked away towards the rooms. She continued flying across the sky as everyone was asleep.

Two Teams in One

It was early in the morning, and everyone walked out of their rooms and realized that Melinda wasn't flying, but it was on autopilot mode. JJ looked at Phil and Aaron knowing that either one would know where she would be, "Where is May?" Aaron shook his head, "I don't know." Phil nodded, "I know." Phil began walking down a hallway and found the kitchen, and the others followed him. They walked in and saw Melinda behind the counter making something to eat. She looked up and saw them all there as she began to grab stuff she needed, "Hey." Emily looked at her curiously, "Did you sleep at all last night?" Melinda shook her head, "No. I was flying the whole night. We should be there in 2 hours at least." Derek looked at her curiously as well, "Aren't you tired?" Melinda shook her head as she took fruits out of the fridge. She then grabbed a knife, and a cutting board and began to cut them up. She began to cut them like she did when she made dinner for the team the last time. All the team could hear was the sound of the knife slamming against the cutting board. "Are you mad?" Spencer asks, making Melinda stop and look up at him confused at the question. Spencer gestured to the way she was cutting the fruit, making her shake her head in response, "No, my mom cuts the same way." Mack looked at her confused, "Why?" Melinda smirked as she remembered what her mother used to do, "My mom did it to show my dad that he was in trouble or just out of spite." David huffed and then looked to his friend as he gestured to Melinda, "Wouldn't want to be him. Aaron better not get in trouble, or you're going to get that." Aaron chuckled at what he meant as Melinda smirked and finished cutting fruit before putting it in a bowl. She began to clean up her mess as he looked back at his friend, "I will try." Melinda walked over to them with her bowl of fruit and put a piece of fruit onto her fork. She offered Aaron a bite, and he took it, then walked away back towards the pilot seat.

 She offered Aaron a bite, and he took it, then walked away back towards the pilot seat

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Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now