"Smart woman." Judah murmurs and I match his smirk with one of my own.

We continue the meeting for another hour before finally wrapping up for breakfast. I wince when my leg starts to throb painfully as I stand. Following everyone out I take some eggs, pancakes and bacon before I catch Judah gesturing for me to follow him to the conservatory. With a small smile I grab a drink and cutlery before making my way down the hallway.

"Didn't realize this would be a recurring thing." I remark as I sit on the chair opposite him and dig into my breakfast.

"Well, it is until you have to go." He shrugs and I nod in response. "When do you leave?"

"I don't know. Griffin hasn't told me yet but I assume in a few days since we don't want my father to get more suspicious." I explain then notice him dumping a ton of hot sauce onto his plate. "A fan of spice?"

"I love it. It hurts but it's a good pain, you know?"

"Yeah, I feel you." I laugh before taking a sip of my drink.

"I'd let you feel me up anytime darlin."

I choke on the drink and immediately break out into a coughing fit. Judah jumps up and comes over to pat my back with a sheepish yet smug smile. I glare at him as he walks back to his seat and settles into it with a victorious exhale.

"Bastard." I mutter as I stab into my pancakes.

"Out of curiosity don't you feel...I don't know...bad about helping them take down your father? I know you were forced into this but do you feel guilty because of the relationship you have with him?" Judah asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

I think about it before shaking my head. "He never feels bad or guilty about robbing me of my childhood, freedom and punishing me so no, I don't either."

"Does it bother you that he doesn't think you're important?"

"Every single time. I used to fall into the trap of seeking his approval for everything I did but that all changed when I realized he'll never care about me." I chuckle sardonically. I feel him boring holes into the side of my head before I turn to meet his gaze and wiggle my brows questioningly. "What?"

"Nothing...I just never thought you'd be this open about yourself." He shrugs with a small smile.

"We're stuck together for a while. Might as well be friends right?" I repeat his words from yesterday and he laughs softly.

"Hey Marcella – oh, hi Judah." Parker smiles as we look at him over our shoulders.

Judah nods but doesn't say anything and I speak before it gets awkward. "Hey Parker. What's up?"

"I wanted to check your wounds if you're okay with that?" He flashes a charming smile at me and I shrug.

"Sure, let's go. I'll see you later Judah."

"Actually, I'd like a check-up too!" Judah blurts before following us.

Parker looks at him weirdly before crossing his arms. "I checked you this morning. If you're experiencing pain I can give you some stronger painkillers?"

"No, I think it's to do with my stitches. Let's go." He makes a shooing motion and I find myself smiling before we follow Parker to his room.

I take a seat on the bed and Judah sits beside me while Parker takes his supplies out. After rolling my sleeves and the leg of my sweatpants up I sit still as Parker checks everything and changes the bandage on my leg. I hiss when my wound stings and his eyes meet mine as he curls his hand around my knee with a soft apology. That causes me to become uncomfortable and I move my leg quickly before telling him I'm fine.

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