"Was it real?" I asked rubbing my legs. His calm and collected smile went back up on his face as he nodded.

"Yes, it was real." He assured me. I frowned.

"But how, I've never even heard anything about my family having fish DNA. You'd think I would have notice things like that. Which is crazy because I hate being in a big body of water. Learning to swim is at the bottom of my bucket list." I explained. Cole frowned and shrugged.

"The alpha said he knew this was,"

"The alpha knew!?" I interrupted him. Cole let a small smile slip on his lips then nodded.

"Yes, the alpha knew that you were a merman. I don't know to much about the situation, but you'll be able to ask him more questions tomorrow. Tonight everyone has already turned in." I sighed then nodded.

"Okay." I whispered. So many questions were going through out my head. But, I had to wait tell tomorrow to ask the alpha about them. That feels like a lifetime away! Cool must have seen the distraught look on my face because I felt the bed dip and all in one motion his arms were put around me and I was pulled up against his chest into a comforting hug. But, nothing about this hug was doing anything to calm me down only hyping me up!

The tingles that start shooting around my body made my heart beat quicken and I started to feel dizzy. Nothing about this scared me only peeked my curiosity, Why had that goddess lady chosen my girlfriend's brother to become my mate? Had I done something in another life to get such a cruel fate. Had Christina done something at some point in her life to get such a heart wrenching punishment? "Shh, no more worries until tomorrow okay." Cole told me as he rubbed his hand up and down my back in a comforting manner. Wasn't he feeling these feeling I was? Wasn't he feeling giddy inside? Wasn't this affecting him as much as this hug was affecting me? He pulled back and his eyes locked with mine, that comforting smile never leaving his face. My eyes searched his face, if he was feeling what I was feeling he wasn't showing any kind of hint or indication whatsoever. Suddenly his hand gently caressed my cheek causing me to stiffen and my eyes to widen. "I'd of never thought you'd be a man, let alone my sister's boyfriend. But, as much as both of those scenarios should bother me, they don't." That giddy feeling was starting to intensify. Why did if feel flushed by this?

Someone cleared their throat which had me jumping away from Cole entrancing eyes and touch. He sighed in irritation and placed his hand back down to his side before looking towards the door, I also looked toward the door. "Mr. Franklin, Christina!" I gasped. Mr. Franklin was one of the pack main doctors, he was also Christina and Cole's father. Christina was glaring at her brother, but when I called her name, her attention was on me now and that beautiful smile I fell in love with soon appeared on her face and she was hurrying to my side. I opened my arms to catch her, but Cole quickly moved between us and let a low warning growled slip pass his lip. I stared up at the back of his head in shock.

"Cole!" She yelled out in frustration. "Get out of the way." She growled threateningly. Her brother scoffed.

"Oh, trust me little sis, you don't want any of this." He said back to her in an equally threatening tone. Oh, no!

"That's enough! Both of you." Mr. Franklin scolded them. They both growled and then turned away from each other. "Peter will rest here where I can keep a close eye on him, to make sure nothing is wrong with him after his first transformation, he doesn't need the both of you here overwhelming him, now the both of you go home." He ordered his children.

"Wait, what?" Cole said clearly shock his dad told him to leave.

"Oh, daddy please no!" Christina said in union with her brother, also upset at this request.

"Dad! You can't deny me of my mate, it wouldn't be fare!" Cole argued. Chris scoffed.

"He was my boyfriend way before he became your mate, I think I have full right to stay here tonight with him!" Chris argued back. Cole growled.

"Try it and you'll.."

"Enough!" Mr Franklin yelled once more quieting down both of his hot headed children. Both of you, go home! Cole your mother has been waiting to see you all day, I'm pretty sure she's been waiting up for you all this time." Cole stood there for a while before his shoulder fell in defeat.

"Yeah, alright. But!" He said quickly turning to look back at me. "I'll be back here bright and early tomorrow, okay?" He assured me. I gave him a quick nod and a small smile. He flashed me a smile before pushing pass his sister who stumbled a bit and I reached out and caught her. He didn't even spare his dad a glance as he left out of the room. When they both knew Cole was gone for good they let a small sigh slip pass their lips, the tension in the air finally reducing. But, for me the air went back to feeling cold and the pain in my body was starting up again.

"How are you feeling?" Christina quickly asked, I gave her a soft smile and started to answer, but..

"You too Chris, sweetheart. Go home." Her dad spoke up from behind us and I finally got to see the look on his face. He didn't look upset or anything, I guess he was only trying to control the situation, because I had no idea how to. She didn't turn back and look at her dad, only frowned and moved out of my grip.

"Okay daddy, but I'll be back tomorrow Peter! I promise." I gave her quick nod, letting her know I understood. Waving bye to me she left out the room soft sniffles escaping from behind the hand she placed over her mouth and nose before leaving out of the room. Her dad looked after her with a frown as she left down the hallway. Sighing I buried my face in my hands. Why was all this happening to me! To them?

"Okay Peter, get some rest. I will come back in here and check on you later tonight." I didn't look up at him only nodded, indicating I had heard him. I was too ashamed to look at him. I was the freaking reason why his children was on bad terms. What if this caused a riffed in his family, it would be all my fault!

I had a choice to make and I knew I would have to choose soon, those two were the exact same they wouldn't give me time to think or take all this in, they will want an answer by tomorrow.

And I had no idea who it was going to be..


[Picture Of Cole!!]

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