Chapter 5

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Ally's POV

We walked into the practice room about to try to write Austin a new song. Why did it seem like we were always writing a song on such a short deadline? Austin sat down at the piano and I took my place beside him. "So, I've been kind of playing around with a melody lately, maybe we could do something with it." I say. "Let's hear it." Austin tells me. I place my hands on the keys and begin to play. I could feel Austin watching me as I played. This never bothered me before, but this time, the thought of him watching me play sent a warm buzz feeling through my body. I stopped playing and looked at Austin, "So?" "Nice! I think this is gonna be a hit!" "But Austin, we don't even have lyrics yet" I said, looking at him in amusement. "I know that. Pshh, but I know anything you write is amazing, and I can just feel that this one's going to be a hit!" Austin said smiling at me. "Awww, thanks Austin!" I say as I hug him. There it is again, that buzzing feeling. We pull apart and he just smiles at me. "So," he says, "there's something I've been wanting to tell someone, without actually telling them," he let out a nervous laugh, "and I was thinking I could maybe do it with this song."

Austin's POV

I've done it now. I told myself I wasn't going to tell her, but it was something about what Dez said, and the way she blushed when she bumped into my shoulder. I'll just write this song. She won't have to find out it's about her, but how well did that work out for me last time. Ugh. Well I've already opened my big mouth, might as well go through with it. Just don't make her suspicious Austin, don't make her suspicious. "Earth to Austin." Ally said waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh, um sorry. I didn't mean to zone out like that." "One minute you're telling me your ideas about a song, then its just blank." Ally said laughing. "So what do you think about my idea?" "Well what have you been wanting to tell someone?" Ally asked me. Aww man. She's gonna find out. I just know it. "Oh um, its nothing. I should probably let you write the lyrics. After all you ARE the songwriter, not me." "Austin, have you forgotten about 'Steal Your Heart', you wrote that song all by yourself and it was a huge hit! Now wha- wait, your playing with your hair and avoiding eye contact with me. You want to tell a GIRL something, don't you?" "Umm, well..." "Austin, I'm so happy for you!" Ally tells me smiling. "Why? What happened?" "You've found someone. Let's write this song and let you win her over." Ally says to me. If only you knew who she was...

4 hours later

Ally's POV

Me and Austin had been sitting there all afternoon, and we had come up with a lovely first verse and chorus. I begin to play the song on the piano as Austin began to sing,
Sometimes love's a scary place. It's like standing in the dark. Flying through the universe. Try'na fix your broken heart. It's okay to let go, you don't have to be so brave. Take a chance, someone else is gonna swoop in and save the day. You don't have to face your fears alone, cuz whenever you're in trouble, I'll know. Let me be your superhero. There isn't a place I won't go. Whenever you need me by your side, I'll be there, be there. Never be afraid if you fall. I'll carry you away from it all. Let me be your superhero. Let me be your superhero.

"Wow Austin, I'm really loving this one. I was thinking the next art could go like thi-" BUZZZ. My phone vibrated on top of the piano. I flipped open my phone and looked at the reminder. Date with Gav in an hour. Ooops. Man I had forgotten about that while writing the new song. I looked at the clock on the wall. 5! It was already 5! I can't believe we had been up here in the practice room for four hours. "Who was it?" Austin asked me. "I'm sorry Austin, but I've gotta go. It was a reminder telling me I have a date with Gavin in an hour. I've gotta run to the house, get a shower, pick out something to wear, fix my hair. Ughh." I look over at Austin and I see him slouch in his seat. "Oh." Austin says, almost sadly. I was gathering up my songbook and pencil when Austin perked up. "Hey, how about I come over to your house and work on my song with your piano while you get ready?" Sure, that be awesome. Hey, maybe you could help me pick out a dress too, because, you know, you're a guy and all and I don't really need a girl's opinion at the moment." I say laughing at my babbling. No problem, shall we go then?" "Yep, let me just grab my keys." I picked my keys up out of one of the chairs and we headed to my house.

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