"just go, ill follow" chan told

the oldest ran as fast as he can just to find minho with his last subject, he found minho arranging his stuff and ready to go home

"MINHO!!" chan shouted

"what is it hyung?"

"taehyung hyung..." the oldest panting, grasping for some air after running so fast

"i don't care about him, he can date-" minho was cut off

"taehyung hyung found jisung unconscious at the restroom, it seems that hongjoong laid his hand on him, the rest of our friends are at the infirmary now" chan said in one breath making minho drop his bag

he immediately picked it up then run to the opposite way

"minho, that's not the way to the infirmary..."

"i know hyung, tell them ill be there after a couple of minutes, i have to deal with satan's son" minho then run


back on the infirmary, jisung's still unconscious, making the others worried, this was the first time where jisung got bullied

physically bullied

his soft features has a purplish red mark, and his small tall nose has bruised, luckily it was not that really bad and worse

"i can't believe there's these kind of bullies here, why my dad's not aware of this? i mean, he should know who done this kind of stupid things?!" taehyung frustratedly said

"wait, you said 'YOUR DAD', are you...." seungmin trailed

"yes baby, he is the son of the school owner" hyunjin said

"in behalf of this incident, im sorry for letting this happen" he apologize

"no hyung, don't apologize, before you got here, there's already a bunch of bullies, which i and my friends tried to stop" chan told the oldest

"basically, your dad has no idea about this bully thingy, even the principal, its all because of our own action" changbin added

"wait, what?" taehyung asked

chan, changbin and hyunjin started to tell the oldest about their identities, letting him know their background

"where's minho though? don't tell me....." taehyung said

"hyung, don't worry, he'll be back in a few minutes" hyunjin confidently said while crossing his arms

on the other hand, minho burst out of the door where hongjoong and his friends hide

"DON'T Y'ALL DARE MAKE ANY MOVE, Y'ALL OUT OF THIS BUSINESS!" as he pushed wooyoung, juyeon and hyunsuk out of his way, making them all stumbled

as soon as he spotted hongjoong hissing while being treated by heeseung, he immediately throw his fist to the boy

he grabbed hongjoong by its collars then punched him side by side of his face for a couple of times, then leaving with an aggressive kick on the boy's stomach and limbs


"im warning you all, stay away from my friends or ill get rid all of you in a snap" as he left the area

hongjoong's friends didn't move in a slight, they just watched minho walk out, leaving them blank minded from the happening

"that minho and his friends is getting into my nerves" hongjoong groaned from the pain left by the older

"hyung, what happened? minho hyung seems so mad at you" heeseung asked while helping the older get back on his seat

"ill take care of that heeseung, you go back on your class" wooyoung motioned the youngest who left with hyunsuk with him

"we have to tell heeseung's brother of what's really happening now" juyeon said to hongjoong

"heeseung said his brother will start his first day next month, we just have to wait" hongjoong said while hissing

who could that be? heeseung's brother? another transferee? another bully? the situation is getting worse!

while jisung's still unconscious, seungmin, felix and jeongin are having conversation with taehyung, tons of questions were thrown

"and that's how i and jisung met, we've been friends since elementary but just like i have said, i moved to New York when i was highschool" taehyung said

after a few moments of their conversation, the door flung open by minho with his reddish fist, he rushes over the boy as he facepalm himself for letting his feelings of jealousy win over him

"this is all my fault, i should have stayed instead of leaving" he said

"don't blame yourself minho, beside, me and jisung are just friends, he's all yours" taehyung told minho with a teary eyes

"im sorry hyung for being a bitch to you earlier" he said while holding jisung's hand, the oldest was about to speak until jisung opened his eyes

he groaned then whimpered from the shot of pain he felt in an instant

"what happened? where am i? hyung? taehyung hyung? guys?" the squirrel boy's finally awake

"you got beaten up by hongjoong, sungie" minho said gently

"thank god, taehyung hyung found you on the restroom, he saved you" he added

jisung slowly sat up, holding his stomach while his other arm support his body. he noticed minho's fist, being red

"so you had a fight with him, did you?" jisung sarcastically said, the others noticed minho's fist just by now

the older looked at his fist then to jisung with his eyes blank, he's still processing himself to calm down after his anger went high

"you're awake, mr. han jisung, you can go home now, ill just mark your attendance, excused" the doctor said and with that, all of his friends helped him get up then made their way out of the infirmary

a/n: let's go double update!

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