chapter one

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answering eternity

- chapter from old diary, found in room 207 -

Spring 1987.

Ever wondered what it's like to navigate the delicate balance between university life and a hidden past that threatens to define your every step? Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Kang Na-eun, a 19-year-old student at Hosu Woman's University, and my life unfolds within the walls of a dormitory shared with my closest friends. Now, living as an orphan since the tender age of seven has its complexities, especially when your parents were tragically taken from you in a protest they never intended to join.

Picture this – innocent bystanders swept up in a chaotic moment, my parents, just two souls wandering the streets that fateful day. Unknowingly at the wrong place at the wrong time, their lives were abruptly cut short. It's a story only three people know, and I prefer to keep it that way – minimal drama, less pity.

Alright, buckle up as I unveil the intriguing characters that color my world at the Hosu Woman's University dormitory.

Meet Yeo Jeong-min, the eldest of our eclectic bunch. A self-proclaimed bookworm, she's not your typical literary enthusiast. Picture brains, activism, and a fashion sense that screams "I'm here to challenge the system!" Clad in a tracksuit, thick glasses, and slippers, Jeong-min is a force to be reckoned with. She seamlessly balances her love for reading with her role as a student activist, passionately advocating for democratic movements against the oppressive military government. Trust me; there's more to this "bookworm" than meets the eye.

Now, onto Yoon Seol-hui, the emotionally charged freshman from the Department of Home Management. Don't be fooled by the rumors circulating in the dormitory. While many believe she hails from a wealthy family, the truth is quite the opposite – she's actually struggling financially. Seol-hui, with her penchant for unraveling dormitory gossips, harbors a secret life of her own. A master of disguise, she pretends to be someone she's not just to fit into the societal mold. And here's a little twist – I stumbled upon her truth accidentally, and in a moment of vulnerability, I shared the untold story of my parents with her. She became the first person to hear the tale that I've carefully guarded from the rest.

Enter Eun Yeong-ro, not just my best friend, but my absolute confidante. A freshman in the English Literature Department, Yeong-ro harbors a secret identity of her own. Despite being the daughter of the Director of the ANSP, she prefers to keep her true self hidden. The strained relationship with her father adds layers of complexity to her character, but beneath it all, there's a genuine caring bond. Here's the catch – nobody, except me, knows that Eun Chang-su is her father. It wasn't a casual revelation; I stumbled upon this secret that she hadn't intended to share. She became the second person privy to the haunting truth of my parents' untimely demise.

And now, my personal favorite – Ko Hye-ryeong, the enchanting opera singer of Hosu. Beyond her captivating voice lies a trove of dating stories that never fail to entertain. Despite her mean exterior, Hye-ryeong is a true softie at heart, and trust me, I've witnessed the unexpected tenderness behind that enigmatic facade.

So, there you have it – a motley crew of characters in my life, each with their own secrets and stories. And now, let the real tale unfold – a narrative brimming with emotions, highs and lows, and a love story between two individuals from vastly different worlds. Brace yourself for a journey with no promises of a happy ending, but a promise of a story worth exploring.

My story.


The morning breeze danced through the open window, a refreshing respite after a night that seemed to linger in the dormitory walls. There's something liberating about inhaling deeply, letting the crisp air fill your lungs, and embracing the tranquility before the hustle and bustle of the day takes over.

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