everyone stopped to think and ezra slowly sat down on the bed besides eli.

"i think i declined her once," elijah spoke up, "when she was like 5.. i assumed she'd ask one of you guys.."

"she asked me." emerson spoke up in realisation, "but i was busy with school so i told her to ask elliot."

everyone looked at elliot as he looked up, "i was hanging with my friends so i told her to ask emilio."

emilio blinked and he covered his mouth as he looked off, "and i told her i was busy.. i was just watching a movie."

everyone looked at eli. "mom always hogged me when i tried to hang with her."

emerson let out a small breath, "so el ran around the house for nothing. no one played. not even a game." he whispered as everyone stilled, absorbing what they just realised.

they thought they loved her most, they thought they were always there when in reality, they weren't.

and in the end, the truth came out.

el was always alone.


"hey, you're my height today," mike teased as el walked up to him at the parking lot with a cigarette between her lips.

she removed it and placed it between her finger, "am i now?" she smirked and walked nearer.

"hm, still a few inches short," he continued and looked down at her.

she took the cigarette and placed it into his lips before her finger trailed down his chin and along his jaw.

he felt her long black nail trail against his skin then stop after hooking his chin and he felt a certain heat rush down to his groin.

"get to class." she murmured and walked past him.

he took a hit of the cigarette and then placed the cancer stick between his fingers, "wait for me," he followed behind.

"i love it when you braid you hair," he murmured softly to her.

"then i'll take it out," she told him with the sweetest smirk and walked into the school.

"little fucking shit," he breathed out from behind and rolled his eyes.

"out of curiosity, are you free after school?" she asked him as they walked side by side down the hall.

first period was science so they had class together.

"uh.. no, why?"

"oh," she hid away her disappointment, "it's fine, i just wanted someone to hang out with."

he nodded understandingly. "well, i wish i could but it's my moms birthday and i kinda want to spend it with her... we could hang out tomorrow."

"it's karen's birthday!?" her eyes light up with a gasp.

"yeah.." he let out a small laugh and she smiled out, "i know what i can do now.."


"that's a surprise," she told him and tapped his arm, "i'm so excited!"

"you gotta tell me what the fuck you just thought of,"

"hell no," she shook her head, "it's a surprise! a surprise means you have to wait and see mike," she walked into the classroom and sat at her new usual seat next to him.

"just don't do anything dumb," he told her and sat down besides her before dropping the cigarette on the ground and stomping on it.

"why would you even assume that!?" her eyes widened and he shushed her and pointed to the front of the classroom.

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