Chapter 3

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Tom’s 16th birthday came and went with very little fanfare, which is exactly how Tom liked it. They had tea and a birthday cake in Remus’ quarters, where Tom also lived during holidays, and Tom opened all the presents people had gotten him. His Slytherin classmates had gotten him things like a new Slytherin scarf or a book on the history of the Wizengamot (which Tom genuinely looked forward to reading). Remus had gotten him some practical items, like new underwear, socks and shoes, as well as a book on the use of transfiguration in Defence Against the Dark Arts, which Tom also couldn’t wait to read. Severus had gotten him a few more obscure potions ingredients, which Tom looked forward to using in some advanced potions.

All in all, it was a good birthday and Tom happily told his guardians so as he polished off a second slice of cake. “This has been a very good 16th birthday. And just think, next year I’ll be 17 and an adult at last.”

Remus and Severus exchanged a very amused glance. “Well, you’ll be able to use magic outside of Hogwarts at any rate,” Remus said delicately before sipping his tea.

Two days after Tom’s birthday, and the day before the students would return from their Yule holidays, Severus called Tom in his office.

“Have a seat,” Severus said, sitting behind his desk.

Tom slowly, carefully sat down and gave Severus a questioning look. And when Severus produced a tea set and poured them both cups of steaming tea, Tom got downright suspicious. Sharing tea in his office was very much a Remus thing. Severus’ thing was brewing and insults.

“What’s going on?” Tom asked, eying the cup of tea Severus placed in front of him as though it might explode at any moment.

“I wished to have a word with you,” Severus said, and he looked as though saying those particular words left a rather foul taste in his mouth. It somehow made Tom feel much better to know that Severus apparently felt rather out of his depth as well in this new to them setting. “Remus told me about the conversation you two had some time ago, about your worries that you have trouble with social situations and perhaps people in general.”

Tom gave a very slow nod. He still didn’t touch his cup of tea.

Severus inhaled a deep breath, gaze fixed on something beyond Tom’s shoulder. “I went looking for answers, and since mental health in the wizarding world is still stuck somewhere in the middle ages, I searched the muggle world for suggestions.” Severus opened a drawer in his desk and produced a small, muggle book. He placed it in front of Tom.

It had a white cover with large black letters that said: So You Think You’re Autistic

“I do not think I’m autistic,” Tom said at once with a huge scowl on his face. “Severus, I’m not retarded, I assure you.”

“Ten points from Slytherin for using a slur,” Severus said at once and then narrowed his eyes. “I want you to read the book.”

“Why?” Tom asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “I’ve seen a movie once about a very strange man who was autistic. I’m nothing like that.”

“Just read the fucking book,” Severus snarled, sounding much more like himself again. “You read twenty books a week. One more isn’t going to kill you.”

“Fine!” Tom snatched up the stupid book and shoved it into his bookbag.

“See me tomorrow morning for a discussion.” Severus rose from his chair, and Tom quickly did the same. Neither one of them had touched their cups of tea.

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