Chapter 7: Do the impossible

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Well....this is awkward. Do you want me to still cheer for you?"

Todoroki: "L/n....I...are you sure? You can still forfeit...I don't want to hurt you."

Y/n hesitated, and took a step back at her words.

Y/n: "......"

Y/n: ....I'm scared......but I have to use it. Use the adrenaline to my advantage. But...what do I do? I mean, obviously, I have to fight aggressively so that it seems different from V/n....but even so, just one hit from her, and I'm done....."

As his breathing steadied, his conviction started to set. He looked around the stadium, seeing the people cheer for him, before his eyes descended back on Todoroki, who was looking down, pointing her hand at him reluctantly. She was far away, but he could cover that distance.

The starting pistol was fired. Ice built up in Todoroki's hand as everything seemed to slow down for Y/n. He started running, focused on nothing but the target.

Y/n: I suppose I already know. When the odds are stacked against you....when no one thinks you can make it....

A beam of ice headed towards Y/n, ready to freeze him.

Y/n: When there's no options left, when you can do nothing.....

He jumped to the side, easily avoiding the beam, and before anyone could realise what happened, he was right in front of her.

Y/n: Clench your fist, and go forth, do what no one dreamed of, do what no one else can do....

Todoroki was confused at the lack of a Y/n shaped ice statue before she saw Y/n in front of her, and before she could react....


Y/n's fist was lodged in her gut, and as she stepped back, he pursued, landing another punch to her face. The entire audience went silent in shock at seeing this, even the Pro Heroes could only stare.

Todoroki, in a panic, pointed her right hand at him while retreating, trying to land a hit, but Y/n was too fast, grabbing her hand and pushing it to the side as he started a flurry of punches, kicks, knees, and elbows, keeping himself moving, yet rooted in place.

Y/n: Never gonna back up. Never. I'm always gonna be here. No hesitation. Some fear. A lot of adrenaline.

Eventually, Todoroki did get her bearings straight, and sent out a beam of ice, but Y/n weaved out of the way with relative ease.

Y/n: .....That was approximately ten centimetres....but I can get closer still.

Another beam. Another dodge.

Y/n: Five...

This last beam almost hit him, but he managed to avoid and counter.

Y/n: Let it brush the tips of my hair...

This was crazy.

One wrong movement, one tiny miscalculation, one unpredictable reaction from Todoroki...and he was gone. Definitely eliminated, probably even dead due to how fragile he was.

In his whole life, Y/n had never been so close to being so dead.

Y/n: So why do I feel so alive?

It was like he could see through her. She was moving in slow motion, and he could feel everything, he saw the twitch of her muscles, the small tell that she was about to fire, and she couldn't hit him.

Todoroki: WHAT IS THIS?

And he felt everything in himself. Every pump of his heart, which should probably not be this fast, every drop of adrenaline flowing through his veins, every wrinkle in his brain working in overdrive to make up for his lack of instinct, nothing was wasted.

And as she was at the edge of the arena, he smirked.

Y/n: Just one hit, just one more hit and she'll fall off, and I'll win!

He ran towards her, one hand in front of him to knock away her right hand to prevent any desperation play. As he ran forward, he saw the look in her eyes. Fear. Pure, primal, instinctual fear. Of HIM. Of the QUIRKLESS.

Y/n: I can do this I can do this I'm not fragile I'm not fragile I'm not fragile I'm not-

There it was, the desperation play, her right hand raised up, which he easily knocked away with his left, and set up for a powerful right punch, definitely would send her off the ring, there was no chance, he had won this, one hundred percent......

Unfortunately, life had other plans, which Y/n found out, as he was swinging his fist.

Y/n: ....Why is she raising her left hand to my stomach?

That was his last thought before her hand burst into fire, right at his stomach, blowing him clean across the stadium and into a wall.

As he was slumped against the wall, he could hear the distant sounds of a siren, and coughed up a bit of blood as he spoke just a bit before he fell unconscious.

Y/n: "I'm....still...fragile...."

And then everything went dark as the last thing he saw was Todoroki screaming in a mixture of guilt and worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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The prodigal weakling (Male Quirkless reader x Fem Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now