↷ Notice.

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▸ Some things added before starting the story, Hello to luvly readers! Thank you for sparing this book a glance or somehow taking a liking to it or anything! I'm grateful anyway, I'm only setting up this notice for some a few following for you all to stick to.

⭛ : I want the comments or readers to refrain from commenting things that are too sexual, Like calm down drink some water and inhale, exhale. AGAIN don't comment sexual things that's literally out of bounds or something and keep your boundaries alright besides I'm all doing is fluff with light suggestive but no other than that is all.

Some readers can be minors or younger if seeing the comments it can be influential and that's no good at all, It can also make someone uncomfy so again.

Hold yourselves from commenting such things plus if I ever do see one I'll just be deleting it all so goodbye before you comment one.

⭛ : I'm totally fine with constructive criticism because for that I can improve my writing and make my luvly readers enjoy more of the content or things that I make and that alone makes me content.

 So It's okay to also point out any mistakes or grammatical errors in the story, I'll be sure to check it and edit it so you all and new comers won't get confused.

And also some things I say can be related to Japanese and I'll be also sure to say it in the end of the story so you don't have to tire yourself out by googling it or anything, I got it in da bag.

 Back to topic with constructive criticism as I said its alright but if I do ever see some rude ones by chance well bye bye to it as well it won't be missed.

And I'm also totally okay with feedbacks, As I said it can help me improve my writing and get the viewpoint of one's like or not in a story, feel free to comment, Feedback alright.

⭛ : Also basically, I'm a little annoyed when comments comment things like some rude shit when a character does this bad things or does things that's evil or gets the main character angry or anything.

  Like when I see some it's so rude telling mean things just because they did that or something that's really mean like hey have some respect even if it angers you.

 poor character getting hate comments, It's done for a reason okay? 

Plus we're gonna have some characters have a nice character development here so calm yourself down and know your limits when talking bad about something or someone.

▸Another thing is I'm a completely new writer newbie, yeah so my apologies if I don't fit to the things you expect me to have or make.

As I said again I am completely new so don't have too much high expectation of me writing things that your accustomed or expected to see.

 If you also don't like how I write well that's just too bad then you've got the wrong writer / Author bro and that's all I really appreciate the ones who took their time to read this, thank you.

- From yours truly Author-san.

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