I'd like to think so.

Fangirlishbooks: Do you believe in higher power?

I don't think so, no. I mean Mark and Jenna weren't religious, so I wasn't brought up with it. I'd like to find faith, but I'd find it hard to accept a God would want me to lose all these people...


Questions for: Draco Malfoy

BellaMoonlight: If you had the chance would you run away from your family to be with Rory?

I would in a heartbeat if it would fix things between us. But I couldn't ask that of her, she's got to save the world before I can even think about trying to love her again.

MilaRaph: What will happen during the Battle of Hogwarts? Will you and Rory take on somebody together?

*Scoffs* A Battle at Hogwarts? Yeah right, that place is so well-protected, nobody could get through. But in seriousness if there was a battle I would work with Rory if I could, even if we argue a lot we do make a good team.

under-the-sky? Ok, so did Draco only start to date Rory to find out about Harry? If so when did he realise he loved her, like what about Rory made Draco love her?

I never used Rory, even when I was more of a prick in the past. My parents were cooler about me dating Rory than I thought, mostly because at the time the Dark Lord wasn't back.... But God, I could give you so many reasons about why I love Rory...

But the moment I knew had to be after she finished the second task and let me hold her and keep her warm. She'd just essentially saved Gennie's life from the lake but didn't even ask for a thank you, she just accepted that's what she had to do. Not to mention how beautiful she looked--big green eyes and a cheshire cat smile....

And why do I love her? She makes me want to be a better person, one I like.

georgieporge1: What made you fall in love with Rory?

Everything about her, even her drooling in her sleep.

Claire_the_wizard: If you could change the past couple of years, would you?

Yes, and no. I'd like to change some of the mistakes I've made, like breaking Rory's heart and being so rude and cruel to everybody. But then I don't want to change my relationship with Rory--yes it was messy and chaoutic, but it was real.

emiliahn: When and how did you realise you had feelings for Rory?

Probably after she hugged me in Christmas of third year, I had stupid little butterflies and I knew what that meant.

awesomemma720: Why didn't you just tell her the truth?

I'm an asshat.

-weirdo-: How come you couldn't come up with a better way to break up with someone asshat?

I just wanted to make sure she stayed away from me, but like I said before, I'm an asshat.

Elise_Malfoy: If you could reset your life, would you?


OonaghOMalley: What is your biggest regret?

Being an asshat for the majority of my life, I want to try and change that.

Fangirlishbooks: Have you thought about proposing to Rory?

I'd like to one day.

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