"...now that I mentioned we have to go back to the shop." She stood up abruptly, looking all determined.


"What did I talk about a minute ago?" She put her hands on her hips, looking down at me with a glare.

"Dunno, as if I'm paying attention to what you are saying..." I smirked, because I knew what she was saying, but it's so entertaining to tease her.

She punched the top of my head lightly with her fist. It wasn't that painful, so it just made me laugh and she got angrier. "Stupid Dabi..." She muttered and turned away from me.

"Come on, get that ice cream." I snorted and stood up, walking past her.

"It's yoghurt!" She yelled.

"Okay, got it. Get that muesli." I smirked and she punched my shoulder again.


I turned around and bent down, wrapping my arms around her legs and threw her over my shoulder.

She yelped again. "Hey! What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm just walking to the shop." Looking to my side I had a nice view of her thighs and even though she was wearing leggings, her curves could be seen clearly like this.

She squirmed under my grip and I almost dropped her, so I put her down on the ground instead and she climbed over my back. Now I was carrying her in a piggyback ride style.

She laced her arms lazily around my neck and I was holding her tight so she wouldn't fall off. Carrying her weight wasn't  problem because she was almost as light as a feather for me.

"Hey Dabi." Her chin rested on top of my head. I bet she looks adorable.

"What is it?"

"Why did you become a villain?" She asked curiously. The small smile I had on my face vanished as if it was never there. Instead my expression became blank and emotionless like always.

"Felt like it..." I lied. "I wanted to do whatever I want and so I became one." The street I was walking on right now wasn't that crowded so fortunately I won't be recognised that easily. The people that were hanging around here are mostly villains anyway.

Arriving at the shop I put (y/n) down on the ground so we could go in. However something down the corner caught my attention.

I saw a glimpse of a shadow hiding behind... Someone is following us.

"(Y/n)" I called out to her, still looking at the corner into the same direction, so I wouldn't lose the person out of my sight. Whoever it is...

"Yes?" She asked cheerfully.

"Go into the shop and don't come out until I go after you." I said.

"Huh? Why?" She asked cluelessly.

"Just go. I'm going after you in a few minutes."

Once I heard the door of the shop closing I approached that certain corner to see who was there. I wanted to catch the stalker off guard and turned the corner in a fast movement grabbing the person by it's collar.

"Who the fu-..." I started in a threatening voice, but I rather got pissed when I saw who was following us. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

She giggled. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"It's rude to answer a question with a question. Speak." I demanded.

"Tomura-kun would like this information." A wide grin grew over her face.

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now