Chapter 2: I see you

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Naruto was racing through the streets of Konoha like a little whirlwind, sporting a toothy grin and blue eyes sparkling with joy. He didn't even notice all the glares and whispers following him this time around, too busy rushing home, his heart swelling with happiness.

Because he had someone coming to visit him! And spend time with him! And talk to him! And cook him dinner! Just how awesome was that, 'ttebayo?!

Nearing the district where he lived, the boy started to slow down. His smile started to slowly fade until it completely vanished when he finally reached the door to his apartment, all kind of doubts rearing their ugly heads in his mind.

That stranger had no reason to come, did he? Naruto was worthless. Useless. Unwanted. The demon brat that everyone hated. Everyone. Even most of the other kids didn't want to do anything with him. Why would a ghost be any different?

Naruto burst inside, slamming the door close behind him. Without pausing, he ran through the hallway straight into his bedroom and jumped onto his bed, burying his head in the pillow. After a moment, muffled sobs shook his tiny body and he cried himself into the restless sleep.


Over an hour later, the door to the apartment opened again and another six years old Naruto walked in casually. Once he closed the door, there was a puff of smoke and an adult version of the same person stood there instead. He put the open palm on the wall, lines of chakra ink burning into its surface, and then stepped aside.

And suddenly there were two of them, with one carrying a big bag of groceries.

The newcomer looked around until his blue eyes settled on his clone. "Any trouble with Naruto's ANBU guard?"

"Nope." The clone smirked smugly. "Doesn't suspect a thing."

"Alright." The original passed the bag. "Go start the dinner."

The clone made a face at him.

Rei chuckled as he turned and walked to the bedroom. He stopped at the doorway and watched his tiny counterpart sleeping for a few minutes. The boy shifted, and the man narrowed his eyes at the wet pillow and tear streaks across the boy's cheeks.

A rightful anger ignited inside Rei, but he didn't let it leak outside, appearing as carefree as ever. If something happened, if someone hurt Naruto after he let him out of his sight, he'd obliterate that someone till they were nothing but a pile of dust. The person he was now, after everything that had happened back in his own world, he did not – could not – chose not to play around or show mercy when it came to those he decided to take under his wing. Or, well, under his tails.

Rei lowered himself on the floor next to the bed, crossing his legs, and brushed a gentle hand through the blond mop.

It took a few strokes for the young Jinchuuriki to stir. His puffy eyes fluttered open and seeing a stranger in front of him, he blinked. Then he rubbed his face and blinked again. "W-Who are you?" he asked uncertainly and, as he sat up, he shied away from the touch of the unfamiliar man, even if it didn't bring him harm.

Rei cracked a grin. "It's been, what? An hour? And you've already forgotten about me?" he teased, goodheartedly. "I said that I'll come, so here I am."

Naruto stared at him, confusion written all over his childish face. His eyes widened as he connected the dots and flicked up at the stranger's hair as yellow and bright as his own, then back to his eyes as blue as his own. "Ghost-san?"

The blond chuckled. "I never introduced myself, have I? Call me Rei," he said before motioning to himself. "And this is how I look like when not hiding under the henge."

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