Sweet Dreams

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This is really soft and short but I'm on my period and wanted to write something cute.

  You were dying. At least you felt like you were. You were home curled up on the couch on the second day of your period, which is always the worst day. Your cramps were killing you, but you didn't have the strength or want to get up and pop a Tylenol.

You had asked Charlie if he could stop by the drug store on his way home from the theater to grab you some extra tampons because you were almost out. You're eyelids were getting heavy with sleep when you heard someone at the front door jingling their keys. Charlie was supposed to be at work for another couple of hours, so when you heard someone trying to come in through the front door you reach for the butter knife that was sitting on the table in front of you, thanks to your breakfast of a cream cheese bagel.

You hold your very mighty weapon in your hand, clutching your throw blanket around your frame ready to fight who ever was gonna come barging through that door. As the door slowly opens "Whoever you are if you come any closer, I have a weapon!" You yell out with a shaky voice. That's when you see a tall brooding figure with dark raven hair peek from around the wooden door. Your heart was beating a million miles per hour, you sigh sitting back down on the couch pulling your blanket over your face. Charlie had come home early to check on you, of course he did. You only wished he had called to tell you, so you wouldn't have been tempted to stab with the a cream cheese covered butter knife.


As a matter of fact Charlie did try to reach you to let you know that we was coming home early. He had texted you asking what kind of tampons you needed, he had no idea what the difference between light and heavy flow meant so Charlie was standing in the middle of the feminine hygiene isle for a good fifteen minutes pacing back and forth waiting for a response. When he didn't get one he grabbed one of every kind and even grabbed some pads as well, he's pretty sure he saw some under the sink one time so he figured you'd use them.

The lady at the check out gave him a quiet chuckle when he saw Charlie juggling all your items, letting out a mumbled "Fuck." When they slipped out of his grasp a couple of times. "Daughters first period huh?" The cashier said with a smirk on her face, grabbing the products and starting to scan them.

A blush immediately rose to Charlie's warm cheeks, he's been really insecure about his age showing recently. Especially when he was so much older than you, strangers always give you two strange looks when he has his arms wrapped around your waist while the two of you are walking down the street. You're always sure to remind him how his age never bothers you and if anything it turns you on.

Charlie cleared his throat, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket getting ready to pay. "Actually no, they're for my girl."  Charlie replied, feeling the redness sink deeper into his cheeks. The cashier just raised her eye brows and said nothing else about the situation besides asking is he'd like to purchase a bag.


You sat up, removing the blanket from your head as Charlie walked into your living room chuckling. Silently reminding himself to to get you some pepper spray instead of your little knife there.

"It's not funny! I thought you were some burglar who was gonna come kill me." You whined out, half because you were embarrassed and half because your cramps were paralyzing. "Oh I know sweet heart. Trust me you were very intimidating, I don't know one person who wouldn't be scared of your cream cheese knife." Charlie couldn't help but chuckle out, setting down all of the groceries down on the table. You slapped his arm as he bent down to press his lips against yours, you couldn't help but melt at the touch. Letting your hands find his hair, running your fingers through his soft waves. He couldn't help but let his hands wonder down to your ass, giving it a soft squeeze before pulling away.

"Since you didn't answer any of my texts I sent you, I kinda grabbed whatever I thought you would need. I even grabbed you those cookies you like." Charlie whispered into your hair as he placed a soft kiss on your scalp. You pipped up at the word cookies, grabbing the brown paper bag digging throw it until you found the culprit. Circus Animal Cookies always made you feel better, probably because your mom would get them for you every time you were sick to try and cheer you up.

You smiled up at Charlie, pulling the snack to your chest giving it a hug. "Thank you very much." You replied gleefully, grabbing one out of the pouch to snack on. "I hope you love them because I had to deal with a cashier who thought I was buying  tampons for my daughters first period." Charlie huffed out, taking a seat next to you on the couch. "Again? That's like the second time this month someone through you were my father." You shuddered out, grossed out by the thought. Charlie just shook his head and pulled you in close.

"How are you feeling, are your cramps any better honey?" Charlie asked. Placing his hands on your stomach, not moving them until he knows it's okay to do so. He always does this when you don't feel well. Places his humongous warm hands on your abdomen, rubbing small circles while whispering how proud he is of you into your ear. "I've been better." You shrug, laying your head on his chest as he starts moving his hands back and fourth. It always makes you feel so safe you're not sure why. Maybe from how warm his hands always were, or you knew that you had no responsibilities in this moment just you and a Charlie.

You feel soft kisses being placed against your head, down your neck onto your shoulders. Eyelids feeling heavy with sleep again you can't help but let them flutter closed. "Shh you're okay honey I got you. Daddy's gots you, it's time to drift off now." Charlie ever so slightly whispers into your ear, letting a soft smile come across his cheeks as he watches sleep take over your body. Soft snores leaving your mouth, his hands never leaving your body afraid to accidentally startle you awake. "Sweet dreams sweetheart, sweet dreams."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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