Calamity With A Side Order Of Gremlin

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(Note: The little "." represents time skips in the story)

"What do you mean eight deals?"

"You heard me right, hunchback." I didn't look up from my sketchbook. "You owe me eight. Any questions?"

Today was officially three days away from the ceremony. Another long day was ahead of me, this time with the company of Mirabel and a very confused Camilo.

"Yeah, I have a question." Camilo raised his hand, playing along. "How do I owe you that many times?" 

"For starters," Mirabel sat up in her seat. "You stole eight cakes and broke in eight times."

"And you suck," I added.

"Also, because she works hard here."

"You still suck."

Mirabel began to explain. "Since I want in on this too, we decided to do splits. I get four. She gets four."

Camilo frowned. "I get it. I suck." The boy leaned on the counter. "So that means I'm going to have to do chores like we did yesterday?"

"More or less," I flipped a page. "It depends how I feel."

Camilo gasped dramatically and put a hand over his chest. "My life simply can't be in the hands of a ferocious woman!" He laid on the counter, holding Mirabel's arm for support. "Have mercy on me, Mi prima!"

Mirabel rolled her eyes. "Get off me, Camilo."

The two started arguing once more while I stole several glances from Camilo. I had realized I drew him the wrong way in the family portrait. But he was so hard to sketch, especially someone who can't stay still for one second. The only things left were the details of his face.

Is there a way I could look at him a little closer?

Now that sounded weird, even if it wasn't said out loud.

"Bonita, what's so interesting about that book that you can't look at me?" In a quick snatch, the book was in his hand.

"Hey!" I grabbed for it. "Give it back!"

Camilo held up high and started to browse the pages. "Let me see~!" he asked in a sing-songy tone.

Mirabel came to the rescue, poking his stomach (secret tickle spot?), and he jolted, which gave her the chance to snatch the book.

"Careful, next time." My hand reached out to retrieve the book and my grasp tightened. Thanks, Mirabel. I wouldn't hear the end of his taunting if he knew I drew him, even if he wasn't the main piece.

"Aye, Camilo! You took it too far!" Mirabel scolded him.

Then he said: "Was it that dirty?"

We both stared at the shape-shifter.

"CAMILO!" My head slumped in embarrassment and Mirabel burst out in laughter. A sheepish smile played on his lips. "I thought you were looking at one of those nude Greek sculptures."


"Just shut up, Camilo." The book was pressed against my chest. "I was just drawing."

"You, an artist?" He grinned. "How boring."

"Like you could make art," I stuck my tongue at him.

All of a sudden, the doorbell clinked.

Oh. A customer.

"MALENA!" My sister burst through the door and ran to the counter.

"Adriana?" I looked up at her bright chubby face. She had sticky hands from the red ice pop in her mouth. "What are you doing here alone? Weren't you gardening with Valeri?"

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