The beginning

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*Harrys POV*

     I make my way to third period when im stoped by the one and only louis Tomlinson. I've had a crush on him ever since I met him on the first day of grade 5. He had brown hair, no tattoos or piercings but liam and zayn changed that.

    "Where are you going faggy?" Louis yelled at me. I made eye contact with his beautiful green eyes while he punched me in the gut. "I said where are you going faggot?" He repeated. "U-uh Mrs.Haggs room 122." I wispered. He slamed me againsted the locker and walked away with no shame.
    I made my way to class,the bell rang as I sat down beside my boyfriend Niall. "Hey where were you at lunch? I missed you babe." He said in a low tone.  "I went home" I anwsered.  He gave me a strange look.


I layed in bed waiting for something to happen... A few hours later I got a text.

[From niall]

Hey babe i miss you wanna come over?

[To Niall]

Yeah sure ill be there in 15.

[From Niall]

Oh and wear something sexy ;)

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