Chapter 6

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I was looking everywhere in my shared room for (precious item) with Sully helping me, But nothing. So the first thing that popped in my head was when Gaius was creepily snooping around my room, so I'm going to go and confront him.

-"Hey, hold up. I want a word with ya, Knucklehead!" I say while walking up to Gaius.

-"Meeeeeee?" He says pointing a finger at himself confused.

-"Yes, dumbass. Who else do I call Knucklehead? Anyhow, didn't I see you near my room not too long ago? Looking inside and acting weird?" I say hinting on what where I was going, while inspecting him if he flinches at the comment.

-"Yeah, I was just checking to see if you were there or Sully. Pus seeing how well neat your room is, you're well organized." He reply's without flinching at the comment so I decide to go strait to the point.

-"Alright, I'm missing my (precious item) from my baggage. Now I want you to close your eyes and think very, VERY hard. Did you see anyone who is suspicious sulking around the area? Thieves or the like?" As I say my sentence Gaius closes his eye shut and thinks...

-"Hmm...Nope, can't say I did. But if I had, rest assured I'd introduce them to both ends of my fist." slightly skeptical on what he is saying 'he must be hiding it or something right?' I thought.

-"All right. But if you DO see something, you'll let me know. ...Right? Aaaaanything at all. Aaaaaanyone suspicious." I try to add more a's so he can figure out what I'm trying to say and so he can spill the beans.

-"Yes, of course I will"

-"....." Gaius looks troubled and pauses for a moment

-"What's wrong, Knucklehead? You look like you just swallowed a lime."

-"You know-and I really hate to say this-but I'm starting to think you" I decide it was time to tell him the truth.

-"Well I do...'cause you were in front of my room and you looked creepy and looked like you were trying to hide something." well all I can do now is hope for the best

-"I mean it's not a completely unreasonable assumption given, well how I was acting...weirdly at the entrance of you're room. Plus I am slightly known for being a bit of a thief, as you should know by now." Gaius says walking away from me probably going to do his own thing I have no idea. (sorry if this situation kind of looked off, it was because I was using the 'Gaius x Sully' social link as inspiration and they have a closer conversation as the one for (y/n) and Gaius, but the first conversation is a bit awkward. I am very sorry ): )

~{Time skip!}~

It was the morning and we just finished eating breakfast and I notice a cat waking with something in their mouth. At first I just ignored it but then at closer inspection I realize that it was my (precious item)! It must have entered the room me and Sully was in by the window, because I recall it being open and as it came inside it went to the first thing they saw and snatched it. I slowly approach to the cat and try not to scare it away. 

As I got close enough I let it smell my hand first and then slowly scratch the back of the head, it seams to be a very friendly cat, so I decide that it's a good time to retrieve my (precious item). 'Yesssssss' I say in my head, cheering my victory. (sorry if you are allergic to cats, if so you then go to your room and get an EpiPen to get rid of your allergies. (if they are really bad. (sorry again))) 

After retrieving my (precious item) I go strait to Sully to tell her the good news. 

Sully was very glad that I was able to find my (precious item) and was no longer worried about it being lost forever. Then I go to Gaius to tell him the good news but to also apologies to him for suspecting him.

After a while I finally find Gaius. He was alone in the hallway walk towards my room, so I call out to him.

-"Hey, Knucklehead! I've been looking for you!" I yell as I walk faster towards him waving my hand so he notices me.

-"Hey, Bubbles. What's up?"

-"Well, um, I found my missing (precious item). It turned out to be in a cat's mouth. Stupid thing must have gotten inside my window and taken the first thing they saw." I say wanting him to know that I have retrieved my (precious item).

-"Well, I'm glad that case is all tied up now." Gaius says looking relieved that I found my (precious item).

-"So listen. I owe you a big apology. When I saw my (precious item) gone the first thing that popped in my head was you taking it. I shouldn't have accused you and I should have put my (precious item) in a safer area. I am very sorry Gaius." I felt really bad after what I did so it felt better saying I'm sorry to him.

-"All water under the bridge. Plus I completely understand why you thought me first, I mean you said it last time. I was just trying to find you and your room just captivated me." It was nice to make up with Gaius even though we didn't really have anything sour going on between us. It just felt better to admit my wrong doings, with him also admitting he was slightly creepy at my entrance of my room.

-"Well why don't we get started with our trip? I mean we have stuff to do, so let's go fetch Lissa an Sully!" I say grabbing his hand and walking towards your other  half of your group.

-"Well why don't we get started with our trip? I mean we have stuff to do, so let's go fetch Lissa an Sully!" I say grabbing his hand and walking towards your other  half of your group

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Happy Valentine's day everyone! I know that this is published like the day before but, eh. So have a wonderful day if you are single or not! :D 

-Rin :D

Sweet like sugar (Gaius x reader) Fire Emblem: Awakening!Where stories live. Discover now