The End :/

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And there you have it, Ranboo was back but not the same in the slightest. He would have panic attacks a lot more often than before, sometimes it got really bad but Tubbo was always there to help him and sometimes even Tommy. He felt like he could trust Tubbo and Tommy, it made him feel better, knowing he could trust someone. Techno was still being a pain with wanting to know about what happened because of the voices which didn't really help Ranboo at all but he tried his best to avoid the question and not panic about it. A lot of stories end peacefully, not this one I guess.

This story was kinda short but I made sure there was over 1000 words in each.

I definitely had fun making it :)

Have a good day/night and if you ever wanna talk or rant to someone or just have a conversation about life or anything at all then I'm here :D

Again have a good day/night, have something to eat every now and then along with something to drink, supposedly water and not a monster energy drink...

199 words

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