A Girl With Clouds In Her Head... And A Black Fedora

Start from the beginning

She found it so curious that upon waking up, she grabbed the pen and the notebook that she keeps under her bed (in case she gets a sudden idea during the night) and scribbled down the dream quickly.

"Michael told me he is still alive" was what she scribbled.

As she emailed the last assignment to the toughest professor she has, she suddenly remembered the dream she had. But she was too tired to think about it now. She will finally think about the dream tomorrow, when she wakes up.

She stood up from her desk and started going towards her wardrobe to change into her pyjamas. But halfway there she realized she was too tired for that, sat down on bed and quickly slipped into peaceful sleep and another vivid dream.

She was laying on a grass field, it was sunny so she kept her eyes closed. She enjoyed the feeling of warm Sun touching her skin, and the sweet smell of wildflowers mixed with salty ocean air.

All of a sudden, she felt someone lay down next to her, but she didn't have to open her eyes to know who it is. She felt his calm presence.

Q: "Hey Mike."

M: "Hey Quinn. Thanks for coming to visit me. I am so awfully alone... I used to think I was alone before, but now... I'm really really alone."

Q: "How are you alone? I thought... The pain goes away when you die?"

M: "I don't know what happens when you die. But I certainly do hope you are right. Living can be so tough, if eternity is hard too.. Oooh I don't wanna even think about it."

Q: "But... Mike, how do you not know what's it like? You... Died? You died and it was all over the news, the whole world cried for weeks, myself included. How could you not know?"

M: "Oh girl, I didn't die."

Q: "What do you mean 'you didn't die'? I don't understand"

The wind started blowing harder, though it was summer so the wind was warm. With it, it brought the sound of ocean waves hitting the beach. There was a particularly strong one that crashed before the last one disappeared into the salty water.

M: "I didn't... Die. But I had to disappear. And now I am so awfully lonely."

Q: "You had to disappear? From whom? Why?"

M: "Oh girl, I cannot tell you! I cannot tell anyone. It's my secret that I'll have to take to grave with me. But I am just so awfully lonely and I hate it! Will you come visit me?"

Q: "I wish you could tell me... Then we could figure it out, you wouldn't need to be away and lonely!"

M: "No. There is nothing to figure out, this is the way things are. But promise me you'll come visit me! Please, promise!"

Q: "Of course I want to visit you Mike! Of course I would visit you. I just don't know where you are. Where are you?"

M: "All you need to do is open your eyes, Quinn. Everything's there, all the qclues. Just follow them and you will find me."

And with a swift swish sound, he was gone. Only now did Quinn open her eyes, just to make sure he really was gone.

She looked at the grass next to her, she could see the outline where his body used to be. The sweet smell of his perfume was still lingering in the air. How was she going to find him? What clues was he talking about?

All of a sudden she saw a black fedora hat on the grass next to her.

"Oh Mike, you left your hat!" she thought.

"Follow the clues, Quinn." his voice echoed in her brain.

She was awake, it was still dark outside.

What was this dream? Michael telling her he was alive... Again? What does this mean? She was probably just overworked and tired, so she had a dream about things she wanted the most - him still being here and alive.

She got up, drank a glass of water, changed into her pyjamas and went back to bed. This time, not dreaming about anything.

When she woke up in the morning, the dream was still lingering at the back of her mind - but it was just a dream, nothing more...
She decided to go to the market place and buy some food because her fridge was nearly empty. She got dressed, put her hair in a bun - the wind was blowing unusally strong today and she didn't want hair to blow in her face.

She lived in an old building with high ceilings and massive doors that weighted so much that she had to use both hands to open them.

As she left the bulding, the wind was so strong she almost fell! Once she regained her balance and turned d to walk down the steps in front of the buikding, all of a sudden the wind stopped. Not even a breeze. She looked around curious, but thankfuk that it stopped. Until she looked at the stone steps in front of her.

On the step below her feet, there was a black fedora hat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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