Day 2

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Who are you-
Dan woke up today with vim and vigour, the world lied before him waiting with reward. The sun was shining, his heart felt beaming and he swore he heard birds singing instead of construction work this time around. He still had plenty of time to get his work done and was starting it right this time.

He went straight to the kitchen and planned the day ahead. He'd make a good breakfast, shower and get dressed on time, finish his work, go to classes, spend time with others and make it back home in time before managing some extra work, time for his personal hobby and an early bed time.

Yesterday had been but a minor fluke after all. Sure his hand was still constantly running the risk of bleeding and he still feels disgusted with himself having crawled through literal trash for an hour for no reason with nothing to show but for said cut hand, drudging about like some filthy, despondent, simple minded, idiotic asswi- but still it was just one bad day. A good day can surely offset a bad day if one tries hard enough. With each effort it will only get better, bringing more and more joy and smiles with each passing day as he achieves everything he ever wanted and more. He's not wasting time, he's just resting, after all it's a marathon not a race. Nothing could possibly ruin such a monumentally high feeling.

His brother then entered and chewed him out for all the time he's wasted these past couple of weeks and told him to get his shit together. He felt deservedly despondent and again accomplished nothing for the rest of the day, mostly staring into the corner for some reason.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
(What are you doing here?)

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