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┏━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┓-ˋˏ THE WRITING ˎˊ--ˋˏ STYLES OF PRISM ˎˊ-┗━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┛

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┏━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┓
┗━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┛

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Heya! The other day I was binging MIDNIGHT's discography (as you do) when suddenly SUNSET by EQUINOX came up. I was bored, so I decided to scroll through the credits and saw GUNO's name in the composing credits and went ??? how the fuck did these sounds come from GUNO's brain?? The GUNO I know?? How was I not informed??

After that, I decided to do a little digging into the PRISM members' composition credits to see if there were any common themes...and if I'd missed anything else as mind-boggling as tsundere GUNO composing SUNSET. Here are my findings, please enjoy!

PRISM as a group has shared credits on the following songs:

pied piper
a song written easily
love talk (lyric credits only)

Not much to say here other than they either become ridiculously emotional or cheeky bastards when they write as a group. There's no in-between. I won't linger too long here because there's no real way to know how much or what parts each member wrote, but just know that technically all of the members have these four songs under their belts!

Let's proceed in order from least to most credits!

YANG has his name listed for 1 composition credit

mad city (co-composed w/ jason)

Honestly, this is unsurprising! YANG has done plenty of choreographing and other work for PRISM and not everyone has to be a songwriter.

Assuming he wrote his own raps in MAD CITY, YANG's use of rhythm and perspective is so interesting?? Perhaps it was just because he was still learning Korean when he wrote MAD CITY (the song was written pre-debut), but YANG's use of choppy sentences and simple rhyme is both dizzying and jarring all at once. It robs you of your breath and leaves you dazed, switching topics and perspective quicker than I thought possible. A welcome distraction from JISUNG's own endless and emotive flow, YANG's lyrics are angry and passionate and his delivery is so much more heartfelt when he writes it himself?? I'd love to see more of him in writing credits, especially alongside some of PRISM's more intellectual songwriters–I think they could strike a wonderful balance if a good match is made.

Next up is JAEHYUNG with 6 credits.

ullalala: poisoning
dead or alive
trust my love
highway to heaven (lyric credits only)
jindo arirang (arrangement credits only)
fever (lyric credits only, co-written w/ jason)

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