Chapter Two

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Jordan Pov
When we arrived at the air port I left with out saying goodbye to mom and dad.

I know that it sounds childish, but they hurt me. I know that it's there job, but could've stayed with Katie.

Oh no Katie oh my goodness I never told her what happen or where I am going. she must be worried I took my phone out an called her.

"Hey Jordan I've tried to call you and text you, what happen?" she asked me.

"My parents are going on a business trip for a year, so they are making me live with uncle Simon...." I said

"Okay and where does he live?" she asked "uhh London England..." I said.

"What I can't see you for a WHOLE year!?" she screamed.

"Katie relax the year is gonna come by fast and I will be home in know time" I said calming her down.

"Okay, you better call be tho" she said "I will don't worry" I said giggling.

"Okay bye" she said "bye Katie" I said then hung up.

I walked up to the ticket person and handed her my ticket. she let me through I put my luggage in the cubby and sat down in my seat.

(To let you know I've never been in a plane before, so if I don't do something right don't blame me)

"Excuse me all passenger we are about to take off so could please buckle up and enjoy the ride" said the flight attender.

(Few hours later)

I walked out of the airport and saw a man holding a sign with my name standing next to a limbo.

I made my way over to the man holding the sign. he saw me walking over and smiled "aaaa ms.Moon I've been waiting for you" the man said opening the limbo door for me to get in.

"By the my name is Manny, and I will be your driver so if you wanna go any where just call me" manny said handing a card with his number on it.

"Thanks Manny and you can just call me Jordan" I said smiling.

(At Simons house)

"We are here Jordan" Manny said and got out to open my car door to let me out. I went to grab my luggage but manny stopped me.

"No I will take your luggage inside" Said Manny already grabbing my suitcase and stuff.

So I will up to the door and knocked. A boy with brown hair and ocean green eyes opened the door.

I couldn't help notice that I was staring at him, because he snapped his fingers in front of me, making me come back to reality.

"Hello there love my name is Louis Tomlinson, and I'm guessing your name is Jordan" he said smirking at me.

I could my cheeks getting hot "umm yes?" I said more as a question.

"Louis who is at the do- oh hello your Jordan, Simons niece come on in by the my name is Liam Payne" he said pushing louis out of the who was staring me.

Do I have something on my face or in my teeth man I knew I should have eaten salad.

I run inside and saw a mirror I looked in the mirror and saw nothing wrong with me.

Then why was louis staring at me? oh well it must just be my imagination.

I came into the living room filled with three other boys one with curly hair, black long hair, and blonde hair with a bit of brown showing.

"This is Harry styles" Liam said pointing to the curly hair "Niall horan" the boy with blonde and brown hair "and that's zayn" pointing to the boy with long black hair.

"Hi I'm Jordan Moon" I said waving and smiling. the boys chuckled "we already know who you are Simon told us a lot about you" Harry said.

"Oh well we're is uncle Simon?" I asked "he is at interview, but he should be home before dinner" Liam said

"Oh okay, well if you guys don't mind me asking, why are you in my uncles house?" I asked confused to why they are even here.

"You don't know who we are?" Niall said putting his right hand on his chest, where niall's heart is pretending to be hurt.

I rolled my eyes "nope now answer my question" I said getting annoyed.

"Ooh some buddy is a little snappy today" louis said sassily.

"But if you should know, we are one direction" Harry said "oh your that boy band I see" I said.

"And when we get bored we always come here to just chill" Zayn said.

"Oh okay, so what do you guys wanna do" I asked "how about a horror movie?" Louis said with a smirk.

"Sounds good with me" I said happily yeah I'm kinda into horror movies I think my favourite is insidious, it's scary as fuck but it is still a really good movie.

"I'm gonna go get the snacks" niall said "uhh Jordan you should go with him other wise you won't have anymore food" Liam suggested.

I slowly nodded confused to what he was talking about. I walked into the kitchen and saw Niall with a mountain full of food holy shit there is NO way he is gonna eat all of that.

And right before my eyes all of the food were gone. Niall is like that one vacuum from the talatubbies.

"Niall what the fuck, how did you eat all of that?" I said still shocked.

"It takes lots of practice" I said smirking.

When I was finished being shocked by Niall. I went to the cupboard and found OREOS and SKITTLES!

I grabbed a some mars bars and kitkats for the guys also some pop that I found.

I walked back and saw they have put on woman in black two. lets just its so much better then the first movie. (it's actually true just saying)

When the movie was over everyone was shaking with fear, but me i was fine haha they are just a bunch of pussy.

"That was a really scary movie, how come your not scared?" louis asked me "because I love horror movie and I've seen this one before" I said laughing at Louis reaction.

"Haha very funny" louis said sarcastically "haha I know that's why I'm laughing" I said sassily.

"Ooh we just got our selfs a new sass master" louis said giving me a high five.

I started to yawn "are you tired" Liam asked I nodded "I will show you to your room" Liam said "NO!" Louis yelled making everyone look at him weirdly.

"I want to show Jordan her room" Louis said looking at me then looking at Liam.

"Oh yeah, sure" Liam said smirking at Louis.

Liam whispered something into Louis ear making him blush. I was very confused to why.

Louis walked me up the stairs and opened the first door.

"Thanks louis" I said quietly next thing I know it louis kissed me.

I was shocked at first, but I relaxed after a while.

Then louis stopped and backed away "I-I'm so soo-sorry" louis said nervously "I better go" he said and ran out of my room.

What was that all about? He just kissed me and I felt explosions but nice ones and butterfly's.

Am I falling for Louis Tomlinson, but he doesn't like me. that was probably just a mistake.

I changed into my pjs and climbed into bed. I fell asleep thinking about Louis.

There you have the second one. louis kissed Jordan and she clearly has feelings for if you want to find out what happens next



Bye my lovely bubble bees

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