chapter 5

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Ashina's pov Weeks slowly turned into months and slowly geared up for my dad's surprise when he gets out of prison today, as he begins a new chapter in his life and his reputation at his company.

Jerry is the cake ready? I asked as I looked at the short tubby cat who was excited like I was.

Yes miss crystal I did and I also ordered everything  for his welcome home surprise. He responded and purring.

In the midst of my smile, knowing I'll be the one picking up my dad from the gloomy prison, I picked out a suit and tie that made my dad look and feel like his little girl is all grown up, and hopefully scared the hell out of him.

As I was getting dressed, I came across something from the corner of my dad's dresser draw that made me curious, a letter that he wrote to me on the day I was born even to Porsha, I opened the letter and began to read it. 

Toy beautiful daughter Ashina,
Since your birth, and since your mom took you away from me as well, I've been wondering how you look like and how kind, kind, lovely, beautiful, caring and sweet you are. To be honest, I was a terrible father with my anger issues and sadistic behavior, but I want to take the time to let you know that I always wanted you to live a better life and to not make the mistakes I made.

I have changed a  lot over the years in a good way by you and your sister and have worked harder than I needed to and made certain that you and your sister both lived comfortable lives of wealth, class, fortune, respect, and respectable reputation that comes with all that we own. I know you're growing up on me and your sister too, but there are no deadlines needed for you and your sisters to show me respect and care for you old cold Arctic heart of mine, and make me realize how much I love you both.

But don't forget that I'm trying and never give up on me .

With love
Your father
Jimmy crystal

Tears filled up my eyes and rolled down my cheeks at the thought of my father being such a loving father to me and my sister and not knowing that my mother had caused him to be such a sadistic jerk but seeing him attempt to save the day was his wakeup call.

After all he was my father and I had to get him home to hug him.

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