I notice Chase talking to a woman "Now this is a rare jar of peanut butter. Expired almost three years ago." He starts to sniff the peanut butter "I don't know if anyone remembers, but 2009 was a fantastic year for peanuts."

The woman walks away while a girl picks up Adam's bacon pack "You can have that for 10 bucks." The girl hands Bree the money "Nothing says fashion like meat on your back."

The girl walks past Adam "Hey, those are the best. I have one just like it."

Chase walks over to Bree "Did you just sell Adam's bacon backpack? That is so wrong and greedy and underhanded of you."

Bree holds up 5 dollars "I'll give you half to buy your silence."

"Didn't see a thing." Chase takes the money

"That's just mean" I comment as the two of them walk off


Walking into the kitchen with Tasha we over hear Davenport talking "See what?" Tasha smiles

Davenport starts to look nervous "See—See, uh, that new reality show about the dog and the—and the bear. They, uh, fall in love and fight crime. It's adorable. It's on TV right now. Let's go watch it."Davenport and Tasha then leave the room

"I can't believe we sold Tasha's jewelry box." Chase says

Bree nods her head "I can't believe we ruined his surprise."

Adam smiles "I can't believe no one bought this peanut butter." He eats it and gags "Huh. Chunky." we all start laughing at him.


Adam, Chase, and I were in the lab when Bree got off the elevator and walked over to us "So, that neighbor who bought the jewelry box agreed to sell it back to us."

"Yes!" Adam cheers

"For $200," Bree adds

" Yes! Wait—" Adam stops and turns to me "is that more than 70?"

"Yes!" I cheered back at him sarcastically

"It's an antique, so that's how much he's selling it for. I mean, what are we gonna do? We don't have enough." Bree says

"Well, we could sell your stupid dolls," Chase tells her

"Or, we could sell your stupid face, although I doubt anyone would buy it." Bree walks close to Chase.

"And I'm not selling my bacon backpack and it's...not just because I've looked everywhere and I have no idea where I put it," Adam says

Bree looks over at Chase "You know, we don't have to give up our money or our things if Chase coughs up a few bucks from his wrist vault."

Chase starts to run around the counter while Adam and Bree follow after him "Are you kidding me? I didn't sell Tasha's jewelry box, Adam did."

Adam starts to whine "Oh, I didn't want to sell it. I wanted to sell the bubble wrap."

"We all agreed to have a sale. Now give us the money, you greedy, little brat." Bree takes a step closer to Chase.

Chase starts to hug his briefcase "No, get away from me. No one is getting near my beautiful box of cash." Adam uses his heat vision to melt the chain between the briefcase and the handcuff on Chase's wrist "Hey!"

Bree super speeds over to Adam and grabs the case "I'll take speed over smarts any day." Bree super speeds away and Chase starts laughing

"Lot of good that'll do her. She doesn't have the key." Chase then holds up the key

I'll Be Your Hero | A. DavenportDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora