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10: Moonlight and Tombstones

The Welcoming Party Continues

The welcoming party was as lively as ever. There were trumpets playing, people dancing around cheering. Everyone was having a great time.

Usopp: And so I coolly said to him, "Don't you dare lay a hand on my crew mates, you sea king bastards!

Girls: That's sooooo coooool, Captain Usopp!

Usopp: Well, to be perfectly honest even I trembled a little during our great escape from the calm belt... Trembling with excitement that is...!

Men: Wow! Really! You're a true hero!

With Nami and Zoro, 22 men were on the floor passed out from drinking too much.

Zoro: Ahh! That was refreshing.

Townsperson: Amazing! This man outdrank 10 people!


Townsperson 2: And this lady here out drank 12 people! What a couple of heavy drinkers!

With Luffy, he was stuffing himself full of food.

Luffy: MORE!

Townsperson: Holy moly! Here we have their captain who's eaten enough food for 20 people!

Townsperson 2: The cook just collapsed!

With Sanji, he was being the perv he is and flirting with women.

Townsperson: And would you take a look at this lady-killer! He's flirting with 20 women all by himself!

With Y/n, he was sitting with a bunch of people that had serious looks on their faces. They all had cards in their hands as Y/n then flashed a smirk and slammed his cards on the table winning all the money on the table.

Y/n: It's just too easy!

Townsperson: That's his 10 game winning and he's made 100,000 berries! What a poker monster!

Townsperson 2: His luck is out of this world!

Townsperson: What a pirate crew!

Igarappoi was laughing at the fun everyone was having.

Igarappoi: Hahahaha! What a festi- Ahem! Ma-ma-maa! Festive night this is! Your enjoyment means the world to us! Truly...


After a night of hard partying everyone finally tired themselves out. Nami and Zoro passed out from all the drinking. Usopp and Sanji fell asleep in bliss as they had the night of their lives. Luffy fell asleep from all the food he ate. And Y/n fell asleep from the boredom of winning 20 games of poker.

Igarappoi: Looks like they've fallen asleep, after all the partying... Sweet dreams, my fellow adventurers... My, how the cactus rocks gleam under the pale moonlight... Beautiful as ever.

Mr. 9: Quite the poet aren't you, Mr. 8...?

Mr. 8: Oh, it's you.

Miss Wednesday: So where are they?

Mr. 8: They've fallen deeply... to hell that is...

Then suddenly a women wearing a priest outfit walked out.

???: Oh dear lord. Hic! That bunch sure knows how to drink and eat. And I was only drinking sparkling barley tea...!

She then began to take the priest outfit off.

???: Is there really even a need to stage this whole welcome party in the first place? I mean they're only a bunch of weak-looking brats...!

Miss Wednesday: Miss Monday...

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