Chapter One

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"Please stop! Somebody, please help!"

It truly is despicable how there are people who try to take advantage of others because they have a powerful quirk... I know I should wait for a hero to show up, but I can take care of this before the police arrive...

It wasn't long before the man was unable to move, as if frozen in place. Or rather frozen in time. I was quick to run up to the man, taking the purse he had stolen and handing it to the woman.

"Here you go. Can you please call for the police or a nearby hero? I can only hold him like this for so long."

While the woman seemed thankful for my help, she simply ran off. I know I'm not a hero, but I still helped her. A simple 'thank you' would be nice.

"(Name), you should know better by now. You're not a hero, so you can't just use your quirk like this."

Turning around, I saw my father, the hero Rando, placing handcuffs on the man frozen in time. His body could still be moved around, so it wasn't like he was stiff.

So that's why the woman didn't bother to stick around; she saw my father...

"But dad, I still caught the bad guy and saved the lady. I did a good thing."

My father frowns softly, gently ruffling my hair before containing the confusion of the man now realizing his situation; seems like time's up.

"Even so, there's a time and place for everything. Now why don't you go find your mother; I'm sure she's deathly worried about you. And tell her I won't be back for dinner if you would."

I watch as my father walks away with the caught mugger, frowning. I did a good thing, yet I'm being treated like a nuisance.

"(Name), sweetie! Thank goodness!"

Turning, I didn't have long to brace for impact as my mother brought me in for a hug. Her grip was tight, but with her anxiety from the past I can't say I blame her. Although I suppose I wasn't supposed to learn that information about her past yet so I'll have to assume this is typical mom behavior for now.

"(Name), you can't go running off like that. Just what were you thinking?"

I was silent for a moment, taking a good minute to think of my response. I normally don't take this long, but it soon came to me what I wanted to say.

"When I grow up... I want to be a hero. I want to be able to use my quirk to help as many as I can... I'll make this world a safer place for people like you."

With tears in her eyes, my mother tightened her embrace. Surely she was as proud of my decision as fearful for my future; my quirk manifested when I was only a year old after all, and it was clear its potential was only going to grow.

But with that, she should stay assured that I'll be safe; the power my mother granted me won't be wasted. Still, I wonder if my dad was ever able to stop people and objects, or even stop the world's time completely...?

"(Name), you're only six so you have a lot of time to think about what you want to be. Still, if you want to be a hero I'm sure your father will be very proud of you. For now though, let's go finish our shopping."

I'm only six, yet I'm stopping criminals before my father shows up... I'm preventing crime before it can even be enacted; before the trigger can be pulled. Why do I have to wait until I'm an adult to help others?

"Aren't those UA students working with those heroes?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're doing their internships."

"UA students are pretty amazing, aren't they?"

"Well UA is the best hero school in Japan after all."

Hm... UA... I suppose it's decided then; I'll attend UA high school when I'm old enough to attend.

A Lovely Time: Izuku Midoriya X Female!Reader (Book One) [Abandoned]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant