CHAPTER 5: Riches and Cages Galore

Start from the beginning

And finally how you lost your best friend Karl in that battlefield, never seeing him again despite his best efforts to help you even if they sometimes made things worse. But he was your best friend and it was done for a good cause, for that you could only cry more as you missed him in this foreign building where no one saw you as something to be loved, but something to be owned.

It felt like your guilt was catching up to you as you could swear you saw Karl in the open window, his sad face harrowing your thoughts.

"I'm going to get you out of here."

You reeled off the stool as the image of Karl spoke, you had to stop yourself from screaming as the rest of his body was shown as he jumped through the window.

"K-Karl? Is- Is that...?"

He just grinned, that same stupid grin he would always show, and that was enough for you to envelop him into a hug uncaring of the damage it did to your dress.


"It was hard to get past all the guards, almost got caught but I managed like always...same counts for the Prussian army." He laughed.

You glared at him, slapping him on the face. "Never abandon me like that again, dammit I thought you had died!"

Karl let out a weak chuckle as he flicked away a fake mole from your cheek. "Yeah, that was stupid of me." He started to sport a glare of his own, but not directed at you. "Can't trust those Austrian bastards no matter how much money you sent them."

"But that's in the past, next time we are not going to rely on anyone to help us. I'm thinking of going colonial." Karl said as his grin returned.

You couldn't help but maintain a look of disapproval. "Next time? I don't know if you noticed but we are literally rooms away from the king who is obsessed with me, have you seen how far this wedding goes?"

"Very big, enough to cause a commotion to escape if someone were to...make a distraction."

"...What are you up to?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

Karl walked back to the window. "You just play along, but when that wedding starts to peak something will happen that will get all the guards to stream into the room as everyone else is too busy panicking...too busy to notice your escape. Once out-we're going to the Americas, set up a new life for you far away and deep in the new frontier...just be sure to take those heels off and rip that ugly dress to free your legs when it hits."

Your smile became wider. "For once I agree with your opinion on fashion."

Karl nodded but as he was about to climb to the other side of the window you stood up from your stool and just barely grabbed him by the arm. "Karl wait!"

"I...just be safe ok, I don't want any to hurt or even die for me-including you."

Karl held a difficult face before sighing. "I'll try my best."

"That's the least I ask for...and thank you Karl, for always helping me even when I didn't want it."

"You really changed huh? Never took you for the sentimental type." Joked Karl, avoiding the light punch you almost hit him with as he joined the other side of the window. Disappearing just as the door opened.

"My lady, You look like a wreck!"


Walking down the aisle many people saw the giddiness in your face through your veil, smiles appearing on their faces at the happy bride no doubt full of joy she was going to marry no one else but the king of Prussia. Friedrich couldn't be happier either as he saw your beaming form coming ever closer to him, how much he desired to just run down and kiss you right then and there.

If only they knew the real reason behind your happiness...eagerly awaiting the moment Karl would start his plan and allow you to escape. So for now you would soldier on, barely tolerating the heels absolutely killing you and almost making you fall as you walked the stairs to the altar.

Once there you took your position on the stage opposite of Friedrich, you were glad for the veil so you could look a little less at Friedrich and so he couldn't see you getting antsy. Karl still hadn't started his plan and the priest had already begun his speech.

What is he waiting for?!

Minutes would pass and nothing would happen safe for the priest finishing, Friedrich would then recite his vows as he held your hands.

"The moment I heard of you my dear I knew we were meant to be together, and once I saw you I fell in love all over again. Now that this wonderful day has arrived after so many years of hardship I cannot wait to spend the following ones in pure bliss with you, this is my promise to you that I will always take care and love you no matter the odds as the omega to your alpha, as I expect the same for you. I will love you until death do us part, and even after that my love will never perish until it will follow you into the afterlife."

The priest asked for you to accept and Karl still hadn't started his plan, a part of you wanted to scream your refusal believing that would make Karl start. But as Friedrich intensified his grip to the point of hurting your hands you thought it would be better to stall for just a little longer.

"I ah- have my own vows too!"

Friedrich looked surprised but pleased, his hands calming down as the priest let you continue.

"When I uh...saw Friedrich I thought he was nothing more but a-" You wanted to say bastard. "pretty face...but after getting to know him and seeing all his..." insanity. "heartwarming qualities I can confidently say he's a- uhhh-" still a bastard. "someone I can see sharing the same...bed with." You had to stop yourself from gagging.

"A-And so I accept his hand in marriage-" and my misery. "and continued love, until death" very soon you hope. "do us...part."

The priest looked judgmental with your haphazard speech while Friedrich couldn't look happier, your panic increased as nothing happened when the priest asked if anyone was against the marriage and became worse as Friedrich unveiled your face before slowly guiding your lips to his while you desperately waited for Karl to finally start the plan.

Then, the double doors opened hard. Turning everyone's attention including Friedrich's much to your joy, as you looked however your relief turned into shock.

Two soldiers were holding Karl as another approached the altar. "We found a spy!"


The soldiers had found the church was full of sabotage, no doubt the work of Karl, fireworks, explosives, you name it.

What was he planning back there?

But it had failed, just like your final attempt to escape as the wedding was brought outside far from the church, you remained speechless as the vows were finished and Friedrich pulled you into a one-sided kiss. Tears would start to fall from your eyes as he pulled away and the celebrations started, Friedrich's tight grip on you telling the world Prussia had a new queen, one Friedrich would never let go of.

And the world would think your tears were one of joy, not one of horror as you realized you were now truly stuck with the insane king forever...and of shame as Karl was executed not too far from the wedding, a grim result of your failure and a satisfying sight of victory for Friedrich against anyone who dared to come between him and his possession.

The End

Yandere Omega Friedrich II x Female Alpha Reader: The Possessed Omega KingWhere stories live. Discover now